Posted 25 августа 2021, 12:03

Published 25 августа 2021, 12:03

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

Question of the day: what is the difference between a foreign agent and a “patriot”?

25 августа 2021, 12:03
A foreign agent attracts money to the country from abroad, while a patriot takes out Russian money abroad by opening accounts in foreign banks and buying real estate in the most expensive cities in the world

Novye Izvestia has already published a material in which they explained the absurdity of the law on foreign agents, according to which, if it is not applied selectively, as the authorities do, but completely, this status can be safely assigned to literally all journalists, including propagandists from the state MASS MEDIA. And not only to journalists, but even to the deputies themselves, who composed and adopted it.

So the anecdote, which claims that foreign agents attract foreign currency to Russia, while many Russian officials and businessmen, on the contrary, take them out of the country, very accurately reflects the real state of affairs.
