Posted 30 августа 2021,, 07:24

Published 30 августа 2021,, 07:24

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Cracks found in another ISS module

Cracks found in another ISS module

30 августа 2021, 07:24
The astronauts discovered cracks in the oldest module of the International Space Station (ISS) - Zarya. These cracks are blind, but there is a high probability that they will begin to spread.

This was announced to RIA Novosti by Vladimir Solovyov, Flight Director of the Russian Segment of the ISS, General Designer of RSC Energia.

He recalled that previously on this module, through cracks were also found, and stressed that he did not like this situation. Soloviev also pointed out that the systems of the Russian segment of the ISS are already seriously worn out, and there is no guarantee that the equipment will not fail after 2025.

“Everyone verbally convinces that nothing will break, but they don’t put signatures on the document”, - Solovyov said, noting that during the meeting of the Presidium of the Scientific and Technical Council of Roscosmos, they said that the station was “on fire”.

However, the space station was previously extended to 2030. Note that astronauts spent a quarter of their working time patching holes on the ISS.

It's worth reminding that an air leak was detected on the ISS in September 2019. After the rate of pressure drop increased fivefold, the astronauts began looking for the gap to patch it up. Then it turned out that the crack was in the intermediate chamber of the Russian Zvezda module. In the fall, the astronauts found it and patched it up, but the pressure continued to fall, albeit at a slower rate.

At the beginning of this year, astronauts found and patched two more cracks.

We also note that the head of Roskosmos Dmitry Rogozin previously intrigued the public about the appearance of a hole in the skin of the Soyuz spacecraft.