Both are bad: how the American and Russian school systems differ

Both are bad: how the American and Russian school systems differ

2 сентября 2021, 15:22
If in the domestic school they try to cram as much knowledge as possible, in the American school it’s the opposite: if you want to study, study, but if you do not, then no.

Blogger 0nufriy, who lives in the United States, decided to compare American and Soviet (Russian) education, based on his personal experience of life in both countries. According to him, both systems are terrible, but there are differences.

It is customary in Soviet education to take pride in its academic level. But in reality this is very arbitrary. Those who are incapable of mathematics will not know it in the Soviet school, the same is true in all other subjects. And the cries that “stupid Americans do not know how to add fractions” would immediately subside if asked to add the Soviet worker - he also does not know how. And he also will not name the capital of the neighboring state. This is perfectly evidenced by the fact that millions of Soviet people "charged" the water at the televisions, looking at Chumak and "treated" to Kashpirovsky, and no academic course in physics from the best school in the world helped them. Today they dive into the hole for Epiphany in the same way, or are not vaccinated for fear of being chipped, or are fighting against 5G towers.

While there are no such shortcomings in the American school. There are no ordinary classes there, and each student learns what he has chosen himself and in accordance with his abilities. There are initially no classes in the form familiar to the Soviet citizen. There is no 8th A and 8th B. Each student has his own set of subjects at different levels, in accordance with his abilities, perception and choice. If he wants, he teaches history with one grade, mathematics with another, and chemistry with a third. And this is very correct. Because, if there is ability in mathematics, then there is an opportunity to learn it better than others. And those for whom it is difficult simply will not waste time on it, but will do what they can do. In addition, the American school has many clubs, both technical and humanitarian, where you can learn how to make a robot or write poetry. That is, to do what is pleasant, and not what makes you sick.

But at the same time, there are big drawbacks. For example, teachers in the United States have many powers but lack responsibility. They are not limited by curricula, textbooks and standards, and can build their course however they like without reporting to anyone. And this is bad when the school is tailored only for the interests of teachers, who often do not care about students and their parents, if only they themselves are comfortable teaching. Not effective, but comfortable. The only thing they are responsible for is their aggression and their libido: it is forbidden to beat students and fuck with them. For the rest - whatever you like. And the parent is deprived of the opportunity to influence anything. They often cannot even find out what exactly their child is studying at a given moment, what mistakes he makes, they can only write an e-mail to the teacher and wait whether he answers or not. That is, parents practically cannot control their child.

And only rare teachers really work and enjoy their work, while the rest do not care about everything, as long as it is convenient for them.

“Example: two teachers - husband and wife, decided to cheat. One of them is a history teacher, the other is an English teacher. Without thinking twice, they make a joint history and English course. Nuacho! Why take two courses when you can call English history and get two salaries for one course. They lead him together, now one then the other, depending on who is not too lazy to teach today. This incident was at one time the last straw, after which I took my child and transferred to an online school. I now have a means of monitoring his training. BUT! It takes a lot of time and effort..."

The blogger makes the conclusion simple: in both schools, there are those who go there just like that, and those who study. But here they are doing it in spite of the Soviet or American education systems...
