Cryptographer Shegalov: "Globalists use witchcraft" codes in the media space"

Cryptographer Shegalov: "Globalists use witchcraft" codes in the media space"

3 сентября 2021, 10:53
Writer, cryptographer, researcher of occult symbolism and media space Vadim Shegalov gave an interview to the Rubezh YouTube channel.

He talked about how the signs and symbols contained in films, animation and advertising "program" people for the actions necessary for globalists and how these manipulations can be resisted.

“Here, of course, it is necessary to make a division into“ classics ”and modern occultists who pursue some kind of political and esoteric line.

Naturally, the classics such as Pushkin, Dostoevsky or Lermontov interspersed symbols into their works, because they sincerely believed in the benefit of this esoteric concept.

In those days, both in the West and in the Russian Empire, the church was considered an archaic institution. The Catholic Church in France or southern Germany, in the Austro-Hungarian Empire was considered an archaic institution. In the Russian Empire, many very progressive people of the 18th century - early 19th century, such as Pushkin and the Decembrists, believed that the church had already outlived its role and, in fact, that is why all Decembrists were members of Masonic lodges. This is a historical fact.

So did the Founding Fathers of the United States. Of the 57 people who signed the Declaration of Independence, 56 were Freemasons. In those days it was a progressive trend.

The same Wolfgang Amadeus Mozartz wrote the famous opera Die Zauberflöte, which was a Masonic opera. It was called “The Magic Flute Masonic Opera”. This is not being emphasized now. However, Freemasonry as an esoteric movement figured almost everywhere. In architecture, in music, in literature.

And, I must say, all these authors, whom we know and love, these were talents, these were great classics, and they believed in it, however, people who now - say, the last 70 - 80 years, use all this symbolism in a completely different sense.

They program people and "condition" them to accept a certain esoteric concept, which is simply impossible to push through otherwise.

The same Disney constantly interspersed nude images. That is, sex, drugs - all this figured as the 25th frame. Sometimes explicitly, sometimes quite veiled, and not badly veiled, so that only an experienced marketer can isolate these images.

That is, there is already a certain self-interest in order to prepare society for the very transformation that they are preparing as the future for the planet.

These people are engaged in social engineering.

As for Mozart, Pushkin, Dostoevsky - yes, these people were members of Masonic lodges. But it is hard to believe that these people wished for humanity the same thing that today's globalists want, if they can be called that, in a collective way.

Therefore, I absolutely clearly distinguish between these people, despite the fact that they may be called members of the same esoteric secret organization.

However, the meaning of the first in our life is most likely positive, while the meaning of these, others, people and their goals is negative.

Especially if we take into account the fact that practically all the latter agree on one thing: the reduction of the planet's population, that is, the selection of the so-called superior race.

Let it not be clothed in the same verbal forms as in Nazi Germany, but, in principle, they pursue all the same ideology.

They adopted the theory of the British economist Malthus, at the end of the 18th century, which was then continued by Erasmus Darwin, the grandfather of Charles Darwin, a 33-degree Mason, whose theory, in fact, was formulated by his granddaughter Charles himself in the form of the theory of natural selection in 1859.

And this theory is constantly being adopted and is in service with these very eugenics, these societies that existed before the Second World War in almost every Western European state completely openly.

Now all of them have been repainted, renamed, changed the sign.

Let's remember the father of Bill Gates. William Gates was the head of the Planned parenthood organization, which did the same thing as his grandfather, Gates Sr., who was a board member of the American Eugenic Society - that is, breeding a new race, breeding only smart people. And all the rest should be eliminated as "human weeds". It was in such terms that they were expressed.

That is, in fact, the difference between the classics, and those who participate and are the conductors of occult concepts along with completely savage economic plans, technocratic transformations of humanity, everything that we see now.

It's hard to believe, but all these people consider themselves the heirs of those very famous occultists and alchemists.

I'm sure if there was an opportunity to ask a question directly to all these people who pull the strings behind governments, presidential prime ministers and so on, they would most likely proudly declare that they see themselves as the heirs of John Dee, Athanasios Kirchner, Isaac Newton. All of them see themselves as alchemists and conductors of the progressive achievements of human civilization. This is how they see themselves and therefore try to follow long-standing traditions.

Just as John Dee designed the so-called angelic language, cryptographic, so these people are trying to use their own, one might say, witch's, witchcraft codes in the media space.

I will tell you, moreover, the same Disney was a descendant of the famous John Burroughs, who was executed as a sorcerer, as a result of the trial of Salem witches and sorcerers, in 1697, when more than a hundred sorcerers, witches and witches were executed and put on trial in Salem, Virginia. By the way, the name of the city is short for Jerusalem - Jerusalem. That is, it is not hidden that Walt Disney himself is a descendant of that very Burroise, you can find it right on Wikipedia. So there is continuity here. Disney's ancestors apparently passed this esoteric knowledge from generation to generation, bringing Disney where it ended up.

For those who come across such information for the first time, it seems wild and "Ward No. 6", but in fact, an observant person who will simply pay attention to certain numerological and symbolic patterns will train his eye literally for several days and will notice what I'm talking about. What, in principle, slips at the 25th frame level.

And this, in fact, is calculated, they do not count on the fact that all this information encoded in films, cartoons and music will be perceived by your brain, it will be perceived subcortex. But the experiments that have been carried out show that this is yielding results. Marketers manipulate this regularly.

..If some sign contained in an artistic image is not recognized, it can act on the subconscious, and if it is recognized, then it will be processed by the consciousness and it will critically approach its comprehension.

Therefore, what we are saying here today is not welcomed by behind-the-scenes manipulators. They do not directly destroy such videos, but they do not contribute to their distribution. The release of such information prevents them from manipulating the masses.

If all films, all Hollywood products, all modern Russian film products are perceived precisely deliberately, with a trained brain, a trained eye, it will lose its effectiveness. People will stop being programmable and manipulative. "

You can watch the conversation with Vadim Shegalov here.

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