Posted 8 сентября 2021,, 13:38

Published 8 сентября 2021,, 13:38

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

A street in Moscow will be named in the memory of the deceased head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Zinichev

A street in Moscow will be named in the memory of the deceased head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Zinichev

8 сентября 2021, 13:38
In memory of the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Evgeny Zinichev, who died in the rescue of a person, they plan to name one of the streets of Moscow after him.

Yevgeny Gerasimov, chairman of the Moscow City Duma commission on culture and mass communications, told TASS that a street in Davydkovo could be named after Zinichev. The Moscow City Duma will support this proposal when it arrives.

"Zinichev is a real hero and a man who served this heroic profession for many years. He died a heroic and tragic death. He was a wonderful man, father and grandfather. I believe that he deserves to be immortalized in his memory", - said Gerasimov.

It's worth reminding that Zinichev died on September 8 in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, saving the life of 63-year-old cameraman and film director Alexander Melnik . The operator stumbled, standing at the edge of the mountain, and flew into the water. Zinichev jumped after him to save him. However, both died.

The deceased filmmaker is known for his work on the films "New Land" (2008) and "Territory" (2015). He is the winner of the "Nika" award.

Zinichev headed the Ministry of Emergency Situations since May 2018. Prior to that, he was the deputy director of the FSB, the head of the FSB for the Kaliningrad region, and the acting governor of this region.