Posted 8 сентября 2021, 07:05

Published 8 сентября 2021, 07:05

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

Pregnant Khabarovsk women who refuse vaccination were threatened that otherwise doctors would not give them their babies

8 сентября 2021, 07:05
In Khabarovsk, “they took up pregnant women” - these women were forced to get vaccinated and threatened that otherwise “doctors would not give them babies in the hospital”, writes the Far Eastern portal

Despite the fact that the authorities say that vaccination against covid is a voluntary procedure, in reality this is not at all the case, the portal notes.

Pregnant Khabarovsk women are extremely outraged by the fact of being forced to vaccinate against COVID-19. Many women are afraid to get vaccinated because of complications that may arise later. The period of waiting for the child for many already passes with a number of difficulties in health, therefore, some categorically do not want to be vaccinated.

“In this case, they are told that if they do not give an injection, then the child in the hospital will simply not be given. “Pregnant women are forced to be vaccinated from 20-24 weeks, otherwise, they say, the child will not be given away in the maternity hospital and I will not lie in an ordinary ward, but with the sick! And this is said in the gynecology of the clinical diagnostic center (former polyclinic No. 6). That is, they will be sent to quarantine, the newborn will not be given until the time when you are vaccinated, said the Khabarovsk woman”, - reports

According to the Khabarovsk woman, women in the position are not given a medical exemption from vaccination, arguing that pregnancy is not a good reason not to be vaccinated.

“They say that vaccination is compulsory for women in childbirth for safety reasons. And the fact that these are experiments on an unborn person does not bother anyone?”, - said the woman.

The regional health ministry believes that even Rospotrebnadzor cannot violate a person's right to refuse vaccination and any vaccination is done only with written consent.

“Vaccination of each resident of the region is carried out only with his consent and with the approval of the attending or district doctor. No one else has the right to influence this decision. If there is a withdrawal for medical reasons, then it is all the more impossible to require vaccination. Even in the case when Rospotrebnadzor introduced mandatory vaccination for a number of categories of citizens in the region”, - the department commented to the website

Note, despite the fact that in July the regional Rospotrebnadzor introduced mandatory vaccination in the region, Acting Mikhail Degtyarev suddenly announced a few days ago that no one can force the vaccination in the Khabarovsk Territory. However, it turns out that the facts are at odds with these words.

Earlier, according to the same website, pregnant women of Khabarovsk complained that without a negative test for COVID-19, they were sent to give birth to the "red" zone, wearing a mask. At the same time, the analysis in the antenatal clinic is done for more than a week, and some do not have time to get the result at the time the contractions start.
