Posted 10 сентября 2021, 08:21

Published 10 сентября 2021, 08:21

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

The number of dollar millionaires in Russia is announced

10 сентября 2021, 08:21
Experts from the Moscow Skolkovo Research Center and Credit Suisse Bank have calculated the number of dollar millionaires living in Russia.

According to researchers, today there are about 300 thousand citizens in the country, each of whom owns assets worth over one million US dollars (about 72 million rubles).

According to RBC, the rating was based on data on the registration of property and super-expensive cars, which can only be owned by very wealthy people.

According to Credit Suisse, all property of the millionaires, including financial assets, was taken into account. Based on the data on the registration of real estate and cars, the Skolkovo researchers calculated the distribution of wealthy people by region.

“Skolkovo estimates indicate that more than 100 thousand millionaires live in Moscow and the Moscow region, or 35% of the total number in Russia. Such data correlate with the volume of expensive housing and premium cars: 45% of expensive (worth over 10 million rubles) and 85% of super-expensive housing (from 70 million rubles) are concentrated in the Moscow region, and the share of luxury cars is 42%”, - says in the message. St. Petersburg (28 thousand), Krasnodar Territory (12 thousand), Rostov Region (6 thousand), Tatarstan (5.5 thousand), Sverdlovsk Region (5.2 thousand) are in second place in terms of the number of super-rich. ...In total, about 45% of the richest citizens of the country live in these regions.

According to researchers, official statistics contain very little information about the wealthy Russians.

This is evidenced by the data of experts from the Higher School of Economics (HSE) and Rosstat itself. When interviewing, many wealthy people hide information about their real financial situation, so the survey data can be distorted.

The Federal Tax Service (FTS) has more reliable information about the residents of the country with super-profits. At the beginning of this year, the department established a special inspectorate that deals exclusively with taxation of the rich.

On the eve it became known that the State Duma decided to support the calls of businessman Oleg Deripaska to limit consumption if super-rich Russians listen to him.

"If those who lead an idle lifestyle and bathe in luxury, give up their surplus consumption and direct their energy to social and charitable projects, then I am ready to support this call", - the deputy head of the LDPR faction in the State Duma told the newspaper "Vzglyad" Yaroslav Nilov.

The founder of Basic Element, Oleg Deripaska, called on the world community to change the form of consumption. “Of course, it will be necessary to change the consumption pattern, we cannot consume so much, throw away so much - we need to give up something. Nobody talks about this either. Everyone is talking about increasing incomes, stimulating consumption. But you need to give up many things - this is the only way to achieve balance", - said Deripaska.

Earlier, the billionaire said that the problem of global warming cannot be ignored, especially since it directly affects the inhabitants of the Arctic latitudes of Russia.
