The swindlers have a staff shortage: all and everyone are engaged in telephone fraud

The swindlers have a staff shortage: all and everyone are engaged in telephone fraud

14 сентября 2021, 16:08
If earlier the crooks professionally "conned like a dummy" the clients of Russian banks by phone, now it is felt that they are hiring already completely inexperienced people.

Fraudsters who pretend to be bank employees and try to lure money from clients under various pretexts have been operating for many years, and the state still cannot (or does not want) to do anything about it. Russians complain that crooks are calling them several times a day, and not only from the classic Sberbank, but also from other banks. This suggests that the fraudulent business is not only not dying down, but, on the contrary, is gaining strength. And so much so that the crooks literally do not have enough "hands". Lawyer Timur Knyazev wrote about this in his blog:

“I have been waiting for this for a long time and finally waited - I got a call from scammers from the Sberbank security service.

True, I really did not manage to have fun, and in general I was very disappointed, because some inexperienced swindler was caught, apparently new.

First, he called from his personal number, without even trying not to get fired up. This could have ended, but I will continue.

Secondly, I could not name exactly which department he came from in Sberbank, all the time he was confused in the names.

Thirdly, I also could not come up with a scarecrow for me exactly, mixing everything in one heap - they want to take a loan on my behalf, then the operation on the account is suspicious, then some kind of transfer is approved, where, why, it is not clear.

Fourthly, I have neither an account nor a card in Sberbank. That is, you know my name and patronymic, but you don’t even know this information, you silly one.

And, fifthly, speaking with strongly non-Russian accents, he said that his surname was Belov (is this kind of humor like that?).

And to my counter-offer “let’s not worry so much, otherwise you’re confused, I’ll call back to Sberbank and we will make an appointment,” he sadly replied “why are you all so incredulous” and hung up.

What do I want to say to this. Dude, so you won't cut money, try your best or change your field of activity..."
