Posted 15 сентября 2021,, 06:40

Published 15 сентября 2021,, 06:40

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

A profitable place: kiosks and tents are returning to Moscow under the pretext of improvement

A profitable place: kiosks and tents are returning to Moscow under the pretext of improvement

15 сентября 2021, 06:40
In the near future, shopping kiosks will return to the crossings of Moscow, mercilessly exterminated by the authorities in 2016 as worsening the appearance of the capital and contradicting the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The kiosks are returning not as an unauthorized squat, but under the auspices of the completely state-owned GBU Gormost (State Institution CityBridge - editor's note).

Irina Mishina

Trading stalls appeared in the underground passage on Slavyansky Boulevard in July, when most of the local residents and regional leaders were on vacation. The comic of the situation is that the shopping arcade was built exactly on the road to the giant Oceania shopping center, literally a stone's throw from it.

A huge crowd of people passes along this very transition to the Slavyansky Boulevard metro station and the MCC. That is why the transition was originally planned to be broad. At rush hour there is no overcrowding, people literally walk shoulder to shoulder. It is not difficult to imagine: if the tents are opened, the space for the passage will be reduced by half. In the context of the coronavirus epidemic and the requirements for observing social distance, all this is more than strange.

Gradually, an anti-tent "revolution" broke out in social networks.

Gorodetskaya Tatyana: “When the kiosks were destroyed, because there were no kiosks for anyone, we were convinced that it was dangerous and unsanitary. And suddenly they were so desperately needed. "

Oksana Razina: “The kiosks interfere, they narrow the heavily loaded underground passage, and if they stop to buy, it will become very traumatic. I have seen people being pushed more than once, and at rush hours I try to get around this crossing".

Elena Nekrasova: “I remember that not too long ago, in all crossings, the kiosks were massively demolished, explaining this by the threat of terrorist attacks. Is terrorism defeated?"

Returning from vacations, the municipal deputies also did not believe their eyes: the construction of tents and stalls in the passage took place without the knowledge of the local self-government body - the Council of Municipal Deputies. The head of the Fili-Davydkovo District Council, Eldar Nakhayev, was also very surprised.

As you know, if kiosks appear, then someone needs it. After the massive demolition of unauthorized buildings in February 2016, the tents disappeared from the face of Moscow for about a year. Already in 2017, they began to appear again. “Food and clothing kiosks have returned to the Moscow metro. But only now trade will be civilized - no cheap nylon tights and expired food. About 180 new retail facilities have already opened at 15 stations, and in the next six months there will be about 300, ”the Moscow Department of Transport said. And they explained: “The old pavilions began to be demolished in order to be replaced with modern ones. The transitions themselves were repaired - the wiring was replaced, the tiles were laid. After that, new contracts were concluded with entrepreneurs”.

Now all trade pavilions inside the underground passages are on the balance sheet of GUP "Gormost". Accordingly, rental income goes to the Gormost treasury as well. And these incomes are impressive. Back in 2017, according to the management of the state enterprise Gormost, rental rates in underground passages increased by more than 11 times on average. "The inspection and analysis of the main control department of Moscow revealed that at the moment income from trade in kiosks located in underground passages amount to 160 million rubles," official sources said. But that was 4 years ago. on the subway or in the transition cost the 60-100 thousand rubles a month, now everything is different. Based on the ads on Avita, rent a kiosk at subway Novokuznetskaya costs 160 thousand. rubles a month , rent a booth area of 5 square meters at the metro Aviamotornaya costs 200 thousand rubles a month, and rent of one kiosk for clothes near the Preobrazhenskaya square metro station costs 195 thousand rubles a month.

Multiply this by 10, or even by 20 (this is how many kiosks are in one passage), and the amount of income of the balance holder will turn out to be quite impressive.

But that is not all. As it turned out, the Moscow authorities have approved about 100 addresses where such trade kiosks will be installed. The secret became apparent quite by accident. It’s just that the municipal deputies, who received appeals from the residents of the district, gathered for a council, where they invited representatives of the State Unitary Enterprise Gormost.

“Representatives of Gormost and the Moscow Department of Housing and Communal Services came to the meeting of the Council of Deputies on the issue of kiosks in the passage. They had an extremely pale appearance, they could not provide the calculations of the throughput, which the Moskomarkhitektura allegedly did. They only said that these calculations are somewhere. Allegedly, some residents turned to Gormost, that they needed kiosks: "about 10 calls." Representatives of Gormost were unable to answer the question of who specifically submitted the issue to the IAC without the approval of the Council of Deputies”, - municipal deputy Andrei Larichev told Novye Izvestia.

Everything would be fine, but there is one misfortune. The fact is that in the capital there is Law No. 56 “On the organization of local self-government in Moscow”. It contains a list of issues of local importance, and all issues of local importance are those related to the direct support of the life of the residents of the municipality, the solution of which, in accordance with this Law, is carried out by the population and (or) local self-government bodies INDEPENDENTLY. Those. if on any of these issues a decision is made by the mayor, for example, it will be an abuse of office with the prospect of a criminal case (in theory ).

“If the issue is not coordinated with the Council of Local Deputies, the construction of tents is generally impossible. However, a representative of the department hinted: "Well, there were about 100 addresses approved by the list." I asked if he understood that this unknown official had at least set up the head. by the administration of the mayor's office, Ms. Sergunina under examination under Article 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (abuse of office). We could not get an answer”, - said the municipal deputy Andrey Larichev.

We, in turn, turned to the Gormost State Unitary Enterprise with questions: in accordance with what documents and by whom the decision was made to install the aforementioned kiosks in the crowded underground passage on Slavyansky Boulevard; whether the throughput of this crossing was calculated, whether the crowding of people in the event of the installation of kiosks would allow to comply with the anti-epidemic measures required during the COvid-19 epidemic; who will be the recipient of the profit from the lease of these kiosks; why, when deciding on the installation of kiosks, the Law on Self-Government was ignored and the opinion of the Fili-Davydkovo Council and the Council of Deputies of Fili-Davydkovo was not taken into account. The press service of the Gormost State Unitary Enterprise told us that they would reply in writing in the near future. No response was received at the time of publication. If he does come, we will certainly publish it.

Judging by the fact that the kiosks in the crossing are empty and are not being put into operation, both Gormost and the Housing and Utilities Department understand that the situation is serious. As far as we know, there is no tender for the lease. It was decided to suspend the issue until the receipt of a complete set of documents, including calculations of the throughput of the crossing, taking into account the kiosks. In the meantime, all municipal deputies and the head of the Council expressed their confidence that residents do not need these booths.

Apparently, these booths on Slavyansky Boulevard have become the point of no return, after which Muscovites no longer want the imposed dubious improvement.