Posted 15 сентября 2021,, 06:41

Published 15 сентября 2021,, 06:41

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Putin revealed details of his self-isolation

Putin revealed details of his self-isolation

15 сентября 2021, 06:41
Russian President Vladimir Putin, who had gone into self-isolation, said that several people in his circle had fallen ill with the coronavirus. One of them works in the immediate vicinity of the head of state.

This man was vaccinated, but antibody titers dropped, and he "was revaccinated, apparently a little late". Three days after the booster vaccination, the employee became ill. “The day before, I talked with him all day, very close, throughout the day”, - TASS quotes the head of state.

At the same time, the president's own titers of antibodies to coronavirus remain at a high level. Putin compared his contacts with those infected with COVID-19 a "natural experiment" that will show how well the vaccine did its job. Recall that the head of state was vaccinated with Sputnik V. According to press secretary Dmitry Peskov, Putin is "absolutely healthy".

Today, September 14, Putin announced that he was forced to go into self-isolation. For this reason, he postponed his trip to Tajikistan. The President will take part in the events scheduled for this week via videoconference. “Isolation - it does not directly affect the work of the president, but just now there will be no face-to-face events for some time. But, again, this does not affect the intensity: the president continues his activities in the videoconference mode", - Peskov said.