Posted 16 сентября 2021,, 07:17

Published 16 сентября 2021,, 07:17

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Bomb shooter attacked a police department near Voronezh

16 сентября 2021, 07:17
An unknown malefactor in a bulletproof vest, armed with an automatic weapon, entered the regional police department in the Voronezh region, started shooting there and detonated a bomb.

According to Kommersant, citing data from the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, one policeman was wounded as a result of the attack. The raider managed to escape.

An emergency with an attack on a department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs occurred in the city of Liski at about half past six in the morning Moscow time. As the Telegram channel Baza notes, the armed robber was dressed in military uniform and body armor. He moved in a Niva car.

“The attacker drove up to the police department and started shooting. Then he went into the building and detonated a bomb there”, - the message says.

According to, the hijacker may be involved not only in the explosion, but also in the commission of a triple murder. In the village of Kamenka, after a "visit" to Liski, he allegedly killed three people - a woman and two children, after which he fled from the scene of the crime. The bodies of the Ibragimov family were found 20 km from Liski, including the body of a little girl. According to preliminary data, the killer had a domestic conflict with the victims. According to the Baza channel, the attacker is a private security company who collaborated with the farm. The raider arrived at the crime scene in a car with an advertisement for the local farm "Eko-Niva-Agro".

Security forces are now working at the site of the attack, and the search for the attacker continues. An orientation was sent to all traffic police posts. The motives behind the crime are not yet known.

After the emergency, all employees of the nearest traffic police posts and regional departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the region, as well as the duty officer and the patrol officer, were given weapons and body armor. The siloviki believe that the hijacker may be heading towards the Belgorod region.