Posted 16 сентября 2021,, 15:49

Published 16 сентября 2021,, 15:49

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Personal experience: what one year of living in Turkey showed a Russian

16 сентября 2021, 15:49
Russian emigrant summed up the first results of his life in Turkey: so far the most joyful impressions

Andrey Bolotin, the author of the popular public “It's Time to Blame”, published an enthusiastic story about Turkey for the first anniversary of his life in this country:

“Today we have been living in Turkey for exactly 1 year.

I learned that in winter it is much warmer outside than in an apartment, and in summer it is so hot that even sitting under the air conditioner you feel sad. It is sad to realize that in July and August you are sitting at home under the air conditioner. That in two months you will not only not see the rain, you will not even see the cloud.

The level of trust in Turkey is so great that you can safely leave an empty 19-liter bottle under water with money at the entrance and in return they will put you in this place full of water. That if a person forgot a wallet on the street, on a bench, then this wallet will lie there until the owner remembers where he left it. Well, if you don't have cash, you can deposit next time and that's okay.

It is very cool to have a rest here, it is very spiritual to live, but it is very hard to work. Do not believe the photographs where a man with a laptop sits under a palm tree and, sipping freshly squeezed juice, works with a businesslike air. Let me tell you a secret, at this moment he is focused on work only by 10%, all the other 90% of his thoughts were dissolved in freshly squeezed juice, in the drowning banana greens, mountains and turquoise sea. If you have a really important project and want to dive into it headlong, then I would choose the grayest and coldest city in Russia for this. To even look out the window was dumb, not to go for a walk. So that the desire to do a project and dump to Turkey was higher than not to do it and stay here.

It's easy to learn Turkish here, that's why I don't learn it. It's like a smoker who says that he can quit smoking any day, but he hasn't quit for a year. By the way, there are a lot of smokers among Turkish residents. Dads, mothers, caregivers smoke, and everything. I wouldn't be surprised if I see a runner with a cigarette jogging in the morning, who has time to inhale a couple of times during interval training.

The Turks are also very fond of Coca-Cola. Among the popular drinks, this black, sweet water takes the 3rd place! Perhaps this is why you can find Puziko not only in men, but also in children (and of preschool age)

When the Turks quarrel, there is such a noise as if the third world war had begun, but it never ends with a fight. On the contrary, there are hugs at the end.

Turks drive their vehicles terribly, and if after Russia you come to Turkey by car, then it will be a great stress for you. But with all this, during the year I saw only a couple of accidents, and minor ones.

It's great in Mahmutlar! But to understand what kind of contingent lives here, it is enough to walk along the street in the evening, and dancing grandparents from street cafes will gladly tell you about it. Therefore, I am more often at home or in the mountains.

It's high in the mountains - they are everywhere! The views are amazing, nature is just a song. But if you decide to find a hiking trail in the forest, then in 9 out of 10 cases you will not find it. This kind of tourism is not developed here, and therefore you will find special paths with signs only on the pop Lycian trail. But if you want to ride an SUV, pouring water over yourself to the loud music of Natasha Koroleva, then hundreds of cars of different colors and sizes will drive up to your feet.

And of course the food - it is completely different here. Other tastes are peaches, kiwi, figs, bananas, persimmons, strawberries ... Even tomatoes are completely different here. In addition to the taste and naturalness of the products, its price is also pleasing. But when the tourists leave, it gets even nicer. For example, 7tl / kg for cherries in the off-season versus 25tl / kg from the same seller. Strawberries 8tl / kg in off-season versus 15tl / kg in season. The prices in the cafe did not seem to have changed.

Turkey is different. It's fun in its own way. Therefore, we continue to live on (to the songs of Natasha Koroleva from a nearby cafe).