Posted 16 сентября 2021,, 07:35

Published 16 сентября 2021,, 07:35

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Putin informed that several dozen of people from his entourage fell ill with COVID-19

16 сентября 2021, 07:35
Russian President Vladimir Putin said that he was forced to comply with the self-isolation regime, since not a couple of people, but several dozen, fell ill with coronavirus in his environment.

Today, September 16, Putin is taking part in the summit of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) via videoconference. At the last moment, he canceled his visit to Dushanbe due to the fact that people from his inner circle caught the coronavirus. Since September 14, the head of state has been on self-isolation.

“You know that, unfortunately, I had to cancel my visit to Dushanbe at the last moment. I'm sorry, but this is due to the fact that, as you know, cases of coronavirus have been identified in my immediate environment. This is not one, not two - several dozen of people”, - Putin said during the summit. His words are reported by TASS.

The Russian President also apologized for not being able to take part in the summit in person, and noted with regret that he could not shake hands with every participant in the event. Nevertheless, Putin stressed that Russia is interested in discussing key tasks, albeit remotely.

Earlier it was reported that Putin decided to go into self-isolation due to the fact that several people from his entourage fell ill with coronavirus. And with one of them he communicated very closely throughout the whole day. The man was reported to have been revaccinated late. At the same time, the president himself is "absolutely healthy", his level of antibodies is high.