Posted 21 сентября 2021, 11:14

Published 21 сентября 2021, 11:14

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:36

British police have revealed the name of the third accused in the Skripal poisoning

British police have revealed the name of the third accused in the Skripal poisoning

21 сентября 2021, 11:14
British police have charged a third Russian, GRU General Denis Sergeev, who is believed to be involved in the poisoning of former GRU officer Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia.

The Russian citizen was charged in absentia. He was put on the wanted list, according to the British police website. He is charged with conspiracy, attempted murder in Salisbury in 2018, and possession and use of chemical weapons in violation of the 1996 Chemical Weapons Act. It is noted that the suspect acted on behalf of Sergei Fedotov.

"The prosecutors of the CPS Counter-Terrorism Division reviewed the evidence and concluded that there is sufficient evidence to provide a realistic prospect of conviction", - the report said.

During the investigation, British police officers found out that the accused had several contacts with two Russians who had previously been charged with poisoning the Skripals. We are talking about Ruslan Boshirov and Alexander Petrov (Anatoly Chepiga and Alexander Mishkin).

As noted in the release, the investigation into this criminal case was one of the most difficult that the British police have ever had to conduct. The investigation continues to investigate, collecting additional evidence and identifying all those involved in this crime.

Recall that an attempt to poison the former GRU colonel Sergei Skripal was made on March 4, 2018. He and his daughter were hospitalized after being poisoned. Doctors found a neuroparalytic substance "Novichok" in his body. After that, London accused Russia of developing this poison and using chemical weapons, despite the ban. The Kremlin denies information about the involvement of the Skripals in the poisoning.
