Posted 21 сентября 2021,, 11:40

Published 21 сентября 2021,, 11:40

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Only old people participated in the "battle": people of the older generation were the most active in the elections

21 сентября 2021, 11:40
Sociological polls have shown that the younger generation was almost not interested in the elections to the State Duma, since there are no parties in the country representing its interests.

Immediately after the elections, on September 20, the research group of the Nezygar channel conducted a series of diagnostic focus groups in the capitals, megalopolises of the country, as well as in large cities (Northwestern Federal District, Central Federal District, Ural Federal District, Volga Federal District).

The results of these focus groups show that the involvement of people in the electoral process differs depending on their socio-demographic characteristics. Almost all respondents knew about the elections, but not everyone followed them closely and perceived them as an external background.

Young people turned out to be the group least involved in the election process, but at the same time they cannot be called apolitical. Rather, we can talk about a lack of interest in the institution of elections and the absence of parties representing the interests of this socio-demographic group.

The youth representatives themselves associate this with low dynamism and lack of interest in the very course of the campaign.

Young people were not interested in debates in any of the formats. A significant part of the younger generation simply does not watch TV, and in gadgets, the perception of politics is peripheral.

A relative innovation of the campaign was the fact that some of the young citizens were attracted by the employer as observers (most often civil servants and teachers). The participation in elections at the level of single-member constituencies differs depending on the region. For example, in one of the regional centers, which was characterized by competition in single-mandate districts, sociologists recorded a focus on the struggle of single-mandate candidates, but in other regions where the level of competition was much lower than this focus is not observed.

Middle-aged people have a different attitude to elections.

They are quite clearly divided into three groups: those who are disillusioned with the System and, for this reason, are not interested in the process; those who are interested, but only as outside observers; and activists who seek to declare their civil position, but at the same time are often poorly competent in the issue under consideration (ignorance of the legislation, the peculiarities of the functioning of the electoral system, etc.).

At the same time, the activists have a desire not only to follow the debates of candidates in the media, but also to study the party meanings and main ideas of the party through the propaganda materials distributed.

The highest involvement in the electoral process is demonstrated by older persons.

Elements of absenteeism are quite rare here, but at the same time focus groups showed that participation in elections for this group of citizens is largely traditional and ritual in nature. “Presidential payments” also played a certain role in activating the position of this group, but the majority notes that they did not affect their position and willingness to vote. At the same time, payments in the regions are not considered as a form of voter bribery, but rather taken for granted.

The general interest in the elections could be higher if the political culture of citizens grows: people's perceptions of how the electoral system of Russia functions, including the differences in elections based on party lists and single-mandate constituencies, is fragmentary.