Posted 22 сентября 2021,, 11:51

Published 22 сентября 2021,, 11:51

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

An-26 plane missing from radar crashes in Khabarovsk Territory

An-26 plane missing from radar crashes in Khabarovsk Territory

22 сентября 2021, 11:51
According to preliminary information, an An-26 plane that disappeared from radars on Wednesday crashed in the Bolshekhekhtsirsky nature reserve near the Khabarovsk-Novy airport.
Airplane crash

Interfax writes about this with reference to an informed source.

It is noted that this aircraft served the air navigation of the Khabarovsk airport. There were six people on board. The plane was on a technical flight in order to test communications. The vessel belonged to ZAO Flight Checks and Systems.

As "RIA Novosti" clarifies, the cause of the plane crash could be bad weather and features of the terrain where the emergency occurred. At the same time, meteorologists note that visibility in the crash area was up to ten kilometers, and the wind reached 18 meters per second.

The search involved the Amur Rescue Center and the Mi-8 helicopter of the Federal Air Transport Agency.

After the incident, a criminal case was initiated under the article on violation of safety rules during the operation of air transport, which led to the death of two or more persons, according to a statement on the website of the Eastern Interregional Investigation Department for Transport of the RF IC . The department clarified that the helicopter of the Far Eastern Aviation Search and Rescue Center was involved in the search and rescue operation, however, due to difficult weather conditions, "it was not possible to carry out search measures".

The Khabarovsk Transport Prosecutor's Office also began an inspection.