Posted 23 сентября 2021, 12:49

Published 23 сентября 2021, 12:49

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:36

Vaccination against covid: the presumption of infectiousness is offered to be applied to children

Vaccination against covid: the presumption of infectiousness is offered to be applied to children

23 сентября 2021, 12:49
Publicist Anatoly Nesmiyan, known on the Web as El Murid, published a post in his LiveJournal entitled "The Law of Omerta" on the topic of compulsory vaccination of children against coronavirus.

“There are more and more signs that medical (and in this context, it makes sense to talk about veterinary) experiments on children will become a specific feature of the fourth wave of terror.

Every day, there are applications from high-ranking doctors Mengele demanding compulsory vaccination of minors.

In a sense, this is a qualitative approach to a new level of “new normalcy”.

If earlier in relation to children, immunity to experiments was still preserved, now it is proposed to include this very promising population group in the experimental subjects.

There is no need to expect resistance from children. The hardest part will be coercing their parents - and this is what a new series of violence will have to solve.

In Russia, it is necessary to start vaccinating children against coronavirus as soon as possible, said virologist, RAS Corresponding Member Sergei Netesov.

According to him, if necessary, for this, you can even purchase foreign vaccines for covid.

“Vaccination of minors would help to cope with the increase in morbidity, but in Russia it is not yet available. In Western Europe, trials of vaccines for minors were carried out in the spring, where children from the age of 12 are already vaccinated, and quite successfully".

Children are encouraged to apply the presumption of contagion.

It seems that Medical Sciences Corresponding Members have revisited Hollywood zombie action movies - roughly the same principle, weighed down by the right to use weapons on anyone suspicious.

So far, it has been decided to confine ourselves to a shot of a substance unknown in its consequences instead of a shot.

The logic is clear: forcing parents to hand over their children to experiments makes them accomplices in a crime against humanity.

This means that in the future these people will be covered up with a joint crime with the state and will become obedient executors of any, even the most inhuman orders of the authorities".

The mafia principle of Omerta becomes the basic pass to the future “new world”".

The original text is here.
