Posted 27 сентября 2021,, 06:57

Published 27 сентября 2021,, 06:57

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Victory or defeat? Why principled communists are unhappy with the leadership of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation

27 сентября 2021, 06:57
The elections to the 8th State Duma of the Russian Federation are over.

The first deputy chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation I. Melnikov, estimating the number of deputies from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation - 57, believes that "...this number is the best result of the party in the current century in a mixed election system." Apparently, he forgot that the Communists had 92 seats in the 6th Duma!

Yuri Voronin, Doctor of Economics, member of the CPSU-Communist Party of the Russian Federation since 1966 *

Another first deputy chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Yuri Afonin, speaking on federal television, said that the elections had demonstrated "a great increase in the support of the Communists in Russian society".

Indeed, in comparison with the elections to the seventh State Duma, the communists received 48 mandates on federal lists - 13 more and two more in single-mandate constituencies (nine in total). But can this result be considered a "success", not to mention the "victory" called for by the 13th pre-election congress of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation?

In the 1995 Duma elections, the Communist Party won 22.3% of the vote. It would seem that the difference between the indicators is small - some three percent. But then the communists, taking a more active political and socio-economic position, secured 157 seats.

Therefore, the result of the electoral process-2021 for the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is not a "success", and even less a "victory", but a clear defeat. And this defeat was the result of the ideology formed over twenty years by the leadership of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the leaders of regional party organizations: the main thing is not to win, the main thing is to participate and ....join the new parliament. This is frankly evidenced by sliding the Communist Party of the Russian Federation into a parliamentary-type party, cut off from the masses, but not to achieve a constitutional majority in the State Duma and change the political and economic course for the good of the people, but simply to stay in it. The failure of the elections to the State Duma from convocation to convocation is evidence of the fall of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation into a niche party.

Therefore, "success", "leap forward", "best result" Communists from the point of view of the real Russian internal political alignment and the solution of fundamental political and economic problems does not and will not change practically anything.

The XYIII pre-election congress of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation determined that the goal of the campaign was “……. In the 21 elections to implement the plan for the peaceful and democratic return of power and property to the people ……”. This is allegedly due to the fact that “... for ten years, our growth rates have been below 1%. We fell back to eleventh place in the world, although in Soviet times we were one of the three most powerful, educated and intelligent powers. At this rate, by 2024 we will be the fifteenth. And this will mean both the failure of all installations of the President's message and a complete default".

Firstly, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation apparently forgot how Lenin treated the leaders of the Communist Parties who dream of conquering power by election, orienting themselves towards bourgeois parliamentarism, bourgeois democracy, forgetting that universal suffrage, as long as the property of capitalist oligarchs is preserved, is one of the tools of the bourgeois state. And it will always shoot against those who want to take power from the oligarchs.

Secondly, when formulating the goal of the 2021 election campaign, the leaders of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation link it with the president's messages. A lot of questions immediately arise: what do the presidential messages have to do with the 2021 election campaign? Have the leaders of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation forgotten that Vladimir Putin, who had previously assured everyone that he, as the president of the country, was outside the political parties, suddenly declared openly that it was he who “ initiated and created this party” - the United Russia party?

If the Communist Party, in a fit of patriotic symbiosis with the authorities, began to fight furiously for the implementation of the President's messages, then Why do we need “ten steps to a decent life, to the power of the working people”? Could have put the task is easier - all the forces of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation together with the "United Russia" to implement the directives of the messages of President Vladimir Putin, the "father" of the United Russia party.

We will show how Russia “heard” the aim of the Communist Party in the election campaign and for the future, “first of all, as G. Zyuganov emphasizes, deep Russia.

The amorphous and very vaguely formulated goal of the participation of the Communist Party in the elections to the State Duma, unfortunately, did not allow the party to clearly set tasks for regional and primary party organizations, became very vague not only for ordinary communists, not only for young people and the intelligentsia, but also for the majority of the people, no matter how it was brought from "door to door" to "every citizen"... They remained in the dark: what should they do in this situations. Let us justify this quantitatively.

According to the CEC, turnout in the elections was 51.72%, or 56.48 million people expressed their votes. Or, if "the program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation was brought to the attention of every citizen", for the "deep" 46.4 million voters "... ....The full program of the Communist Party, the development budget and twelve key laws" seemed very far from their vital interests and they remained "sofa voters". Confirmation is an what for the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, as reported by I. Melnikov, "Almost 10 million 661 thousand people voted" or 9.7% of the total number of voters registered in the country. This is the magnitude of communicating the Communist Party program "to every citizen".

As a result, if the gap between those who voted for United Russia and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is 2 times, then in single-mandate constituencies this gap is almost 20 times. It is unlikely that these figures indicate that "deep Russia" responded to CPRF calls and amicably came on September 19th to vote for the Communist program.

In the current year 2021, the ruling regime, feeling the mood of the people and the real the possibility of failure of elections for the party "United Russia", lost, as the people say, the brakes, went to unprecedented mass violations: in violation of the Decree of the President - the guarantor of the Constitution of the Russian Federation V. Putin on the voting date on September 19 - the CEC held a vote for three days - September 17-19; "Safes" made with additional doors; carousel and stuffing; voting of "dead souls", other violations that have never been recorded before. The most phenomenal technique was electronic voting, the results of which, for example, in Moscow, even by 10 am on September 20, were not made public. And then more than 2 million votes of Moscow voters by the method of computer manipulation were merged into the piggy bank of "United Russia". And finally, according to the calculations of the well-known mathematical statistician S. Shpilkin, 13.8 million votes were simply added in favor of United Russia.

In these difficult political and economic conditions, taking into account the assessment of the situation, which by violation of the electoral process the oligarchic regime drove it into a dead end, and if the Communist Party has a sense of responsibility for the future of Russia, an understanding that behind the back of the Communist Party really is a huge army of the people, then for the opposition party there may be two options actions:

- either the Communist Party of the Russian Federation reacts harshly to the challenge of the bourgeois oligarchic government and takes a legislative the way to fight for the abolition of shameful elections;

- either the party leadership, as always, will merge a massive protest and will go into the parliamentary shadow.

Today, many regional organizations of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation declare non-recognition of the election results. These are, for example, Moscow, Irkutsk, Kostroma, Bryansk regions. The Yabloko party refused to recognize the voting results. More than 8 thousand citizens of the Russian Federation, including municipal deputies, deputies of different levels and independent observers appealed to the Chairperson of the CEC E. Pamfilova with a demand to recognize the past elections at all levels in the Russian Federation as invalid, to stop deceiving citizens and to be guided in making decisions by conscience and law... Mass rallies of protest against the violation of the law and justice, against the final destruction of democracy, against falsification of elections, against electronic voting were held on September 25 in Moscow and other regions of the country.

Meanwhile, at the venue of at least an extraordinary Plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation following the results of a failed election campaign, an analysis of the actual implementation of decisions taken at the XYIII pre-election Congress of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, making a principled party decision to leaders responsible for the electoral process, up to their possible removal from the party list and deprivation of the deputy mandate, the party leadership held On September 23, in the mode of videoconference, the All-Russian meeting of the party activists, at which, as the people say, "let off steam on the whistle". This is understandable. After all, the leaders of the Communist Party in the State Duma, the minimum task is completed. Why waste your energy.

It turns out, as G. Zyuganov proclaimed, “in these elections we were supported by practically the whole country”, “at the end of the 2021 elections, our program received universal approval and today our forces have tripled”, “we will continue to move forward along the path of implementing our program guidelines and the orders of the voters ”. Miracles, and nothing more. But that is not all. The small box of the translation of the party's actions from the legislative struggle for the abolition of the rigged elections-2021 was opened simply.

Already on Saturday - September 25 - at a meeting with the guarantor of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, President V. Putin, who stressed that "the elections were held openly, in strict accordance with the law and with a high turnout", the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation G. Zyuganov, unfortunately, did not disclose the amount of fraud in the elections-2021, did not insist on their abolition, as the regional organizations of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation insist. True, he immediately assured that "the Communist Party is ready to support any undertakings leading to the strengthening of the country". In other words, a reconciliation of the steps of the alleged opposition to the regime The Communist Party of the Russian Federation with the instructions of the Kremlin, the opinion of the Kremlin administration continued and goes to a new high-quality level.

Apparently the leader of the Communist Party forgot about the real steps taken by the oligarchic regime to “strengthen the country”. The worst thing is a sharp drop standard of living. In terms of wages in real terms, Russians did not reach the level of 1990, that is, they lagged behind themselves by 30 years. Thirty years, the country can not overcome poverty. Today it covers about 30% of the population, and half of them are extremely poor. Country ended up in a stagnant pit.

I have to remind leaders of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation that the stupid, senseless belief in the omnipotence and infallibility of the parliamentary system of government, the lack of understanding that issues of public life are decided not by parliament, but by the real balance of class forces, was determined by K. Marx as parliamentary cretinism.

Gently merging the election campaign-2021, the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation G. Zyuganov completed the analysis of its results with a stronger "whistle": "... ...once again I want to ask everyone to show maximum restraint in this harsh time, to show endurance and resilience. And remember: we have a strong, authoritative team, we have an absolutely real program, we have millions of support behind us".

The analysis of the 2021 election campaign was not made for the leaders of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, who fulfilled their maximum program - they became deputies of the new State Duma and want peace of mind. Analysis - for the rank-and-file communists, since it is the rank-and-file communists who are final.

* The opinions of the authors of Novye Izvestia may not coincide with the position of the publication and are published in a discussion order