Posted 28 сентября 2021, 13:12

Published 28 сентября 2021, 13:12

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:36

South Korean authorities ready to ban the use of dog meat

28 сентября 2021, 13:12
South Korean President Moon Jae In has proposed banning the consumption of dogs, a traditional Korean delicacy that has been losing popularity in recent years.

According to official statistics alone, about a million dogs are killed annually for meat production in the country. And in neighboring North Korea, they were simply exterminated long ago for gastronomic purposes.

After the Prime Minister of South Korea met with the president, known for his love of dogs, and told him about the program for the protection of homeless animals and the intention to introduce a system of compulsory registration of dogs, Moon Jae In suggested that we consider introducing a ban on dog meat. spokesman for the South Korean leader.

“Isn't it time to reasonably consider banning the consumption of dog meat?”, - the words of the president are reported by the Korean Tribune newspaper, referring to his press secretary.

By the way, dog meat is eaten not only in Korea, but it has been considered a delicacy in many Asian countries since ancient times. In China, for example, this delicacy was used for food 2.5 thousand years ago. However, they ate dog meat not only in Asia, but, for example, in Mexico.

There are no special religious or other secrets in the dog-eating tradition. Dogs were perceived as livestock, in addition, their meat was considered, and is still considered very useful. Dog meat soup - poschintan - Koreans ate mostly on hot days or during illness. It was believed that its use makes it easier to survive the heat and illness.

Of course, as a result of the strengthening of international ties with Europe and America, the ethical worldviews of Europeans about the inadmissibility of using dogs for food penetrated into South Korea. In addition, Koreans simply live better and do not need to eat more dogs. Now they can safely eat a lot of beef, pork and fish. And the period of intense heat can calmly survive under air conditioners.

Dog meat is not part of the daily diet of the average Korean, but it is still popular with many older people who find it beneficial to their health. In addition, dog meat is served in traditional restaurants and can be bought in specialized markets. But it is very expensive.
