Posted 30 сентября 2021,, 12:53

Published 30 сентября 2021,, 12:53

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Money down the drain, but old women - to the emergency room: Muscovites criticize barriers for scooter-users

30 сентября 2021, 12:53
On the eve of winter, speed bumps, designed for electric scooters, suddenly appeared on the sidewalks of Moscow and the region.
Moscow region

Moscow media and social networks celebrate another innovation in the city's appearance: speed bumps for electric scooters have appeared on the sidewalks. True, the Readovka edition asks a fair question, why install them when there is less than a month left until the end of the season? After all, the season of scooters and bicycles is coming to an end.

“On the one hand, this is a great initiative that will help limit the speed of electric scooters that constantly knock people down, and on the other, such designs will be very inconvenient for retirees, mothers with strollers and people with disabilities...”

Readers reacted briskly to this message, because it’s no secret that electric scooters have become a real disaster in the metropolis, and it seems that the authorities did not figure out how to deal with this scourge, and therefore decided to follow the path of least resistance: just put up barriers, and at the same time make money:

- The first bobcat will clean these damn things with snow. The Tajik State Budgetary Institution Housing will smash them during the first snow removal - so it's not worth steaming, except for our worthlessly spent money, because next spring they will have to be installed again. More fun than messing around with curbs.

Many felt sorry for the elderly and disabled:

Elderly people with leg problems will not be able to cross such a contraption in winter. In reality, I had to see how a granny with problem legs could not cross the recumbent one - there was ice on it, and to the right and left of the sidewalk there were slides of icy snow. It turned out that the granny was surrounded by ice slides. So passers-by pulled her out of this ambush. Although, it would seem, the height is small ...

Someone shared the know-how:

- Cool thing, 6 meters costs 6.5 thousand rubles. The musicians with the drifters stopped chasing my street. In the presence of a puncher and a screwdriver, I installed it in half an hour.

Others advised to levy a tax on scooters:

- Car owners pay transport tax. And these two-wheelers want everything for free.

There were also those who doubted the effectiveness of this measure:

- For scooters, especially those for hire, these speed bumps are not an obstacle at all.