Posted 1 октября 2021,, 10:37

Published 1 октября 2021,, 10:37

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Russia began to supply gas to Hungary bypassing Ukraine

Russia began to supply gas to Hungary bypassing Ukraine

1 октября 2021, 10:37
Russian Gazprom began supplying gas to Hungary under a new contract bypassing Ukraine. The information was confirmed in Kiev.

A 15-year contract for the supply of 4.5 cubic meters of gas per year was signed on the eve of September 27 between the Hungarian energy company MVM and the Russian Gazprom.

According to it, gas supplies to Hungary will now be carried out through Serbia and Austria. Prior to that, deliveries were carried out through Ukraine and Austria.

In Kiev, the signing of this contract was called a "blow" to Ukrainian-Hungarian relations. According to Ukraine, this contract was concluded "to please the Kremlin".

The Hungarian Foreign Ministry is perplexed why Ukraine allows itself to interfere in the internal affairs of Hungary. This statement of Kiev in the Hungarian Foreign Ministry was interpreted as a "violation of sovereignty." This is despite the many subsidies the country has received from Hungary, added Peter Siyjarto, Hungarian Foreign Minister. The Hungarian Foreign Ministry summoned the Ukrainian ambassador for a consultation. In response, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry did the same to present Kiev's position to the Hungarian ambassador.