Posted 5 октября 2021, 14:07

Published 5 октября 2021, 14:07

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:36

Parents in 20 cities speak out against digital experiment at school

5 октября 2021, 14:07
Novye Izvestia continues to monitor the situation around the implementation of the digital educational environment in the country's schools.

To date, a survey on the attitude of parents to this "experiment" has been conducted in 20 cities of Russia - by the efforts of the parental community, and alas, not at all by the Ministry of Education itself or by specialized departments.

Now the digital educational environment experiment is taking place in 14 regions: in the Altai and Perm Territories, the Astrakhan, Kaliningrad, Kaluga, Kemerovo, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Sakhalin, Tyumen and Chelyabinsk regions, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. But it is safe to say that most parents from these regions do not have complete information about what is really happening in their schools, and, simply put, they do not know.

Here are some thoughts and results shared by Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor Vera Arguna (Ivanovo) and Irina Zhiltsova (Penza), Chairperson of the International Union of Parents "Together" / "Vmeste" (brings together parents from 70 regions of Russia) with Novye Izvestia:

“Why are the results of the survey of parents on the implementation of the digital educational environment not featured in the news? With the help of polls, public opinion is revealed, the strength of which is great. Public opinion lends legitimacy or illegitimacy to the decisions and actions of the authorities. It is not for nothing that the state and business maintain large sociological agencies (VTsIOM, FOM, Levada Center, etc.).

Education is a strategic national priority along with national defense, health care, culture and others.

Now they are fundamentally breaking down the traditional school and teaching methods.

What is the new concept of education based on?

Training with the help of neurointerfaces is introduced, virtual "tutors" (mentors) are being developed.

“Mass knowledge and skills will be transferred primarily through automated solutions; education turns into a “personal quest for leveling up a character” (that is, learning in the game, when a student develops according to a scenario recommended by artificial intelligence). At first, school subjects are superseded by "trajectories" of development. Then the assessment system is abolished - they will be replaced by a "competency passport". As a result of this game - the creation of individual digital portfolios, and then - the introduction of social ratings. "

The new education model meets the requirements of the Digital Economy!

Federal sociological agencies, commercial social agencies do not conduct research on the attitude of the population to the problem of implementing digital educational environment.

It turns out that this is recognized as correct and progressive by default?

The experiment ends in extreme haste, attributed to a "pandemic".

In fact, we see that the issue of digital educational environment implementation was not discussed with the parent community.

This is the weakest point of digital specialists in terms of the transformation of education.

And this had to be done without fail, because according to Article 44-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the parents of students have the preferential right to educate and bring up their children. And state authorities and local governments, educational organizations provide assistance to parents .

Not only are parents, according to this law, full participants in the educational process, they are also investors, since every student is supposed to have electronic equipment!

Parents are usually not told that this is an experiment.

They do not explain the essence of education using artificial intelligence.

The digitization of education is being touted as a blessing. “Progress does not stand still, this is our future,” the system says. Parents have to figure out the innovations on their own.

Our International Union of Parents "Together", with the support of the Independent Research Center (SIC), conducted by the public a scientific opinion poll on the digitization of education.

After analyzing the results of the polls, it became clear why the government did not pay attention to this issue at the very beginning of the experiment!

Parents from more than 20 cities have unequivocally opposed the digital educational environment (digital educational environment) and SberClasses!

If the plans were openly publicized and discussed, the experiment would have ended before it could begin.

We are introducing the readers of Novye Izvestia to the results of a survey conducted in Moscow.

In Moscow schools, in accordance with the Government Decree dated 07.12.2020 No. 2040 "On conducting an experiment on the implementation of digital educational environment", the Digital Educational Environment is being introduced at all levels of school education (primary, basic, secondary).

The overwhelming majority of the parents surveyed (82%) noted that they were not told anything about this at school; 6% noted that they talked a little about it, 2% indicated that they were informed about it in detail, 9% found it difficult to answer, 1% indicated their own answer.

The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation states that the task of digital educational environment is to consolidate distance technology in e-learning. The overwhelming majority of respondents (96.5%) do not support distance learning, of which 90% do not fully support it. Distance learning is supported to some extent by –2%, fully supported by 1%.

Learning in a digital educational environment means that the child will spend most of the time at the computer (electronic textbooks, audio and video materials, completing assignments not in a notebook, but in a computer, communicating with mentors in the program, etc.). The overwhelming majority of the parents surveyed are sure (completely or rather) that this will negatively affect health and psyche (98%), the assimilation of educational material (95.5%), and communication skills with peers (96.5%).

The implementation of the School Digital Platform (SDS) and the Digital Educational Environment involves the complete digitization of children. Data is collected on the progress of the learning process, personal characteristics of children, educational achievements, social connections, health, family, etc. This data is transferred to private commercial organizations, which have all rights to dispose of them at their own discretion. The overwhelming majority of the parents surveyed (97%) disagree in one way or another with such conditions of education, agree with this - 1.5%, found it difficult to answer - 1.5%.

The digitalization of education implies that artificial intelligence (AI) will assess knowledge, give individual tasks, collect all data on the psychological and intellectual characteristics of a child, suggest which subjects to study and to what extent. The overwhelming majority of the parents surveyed (97%) do not agree to entrust their child to artificial intelligence in one way or another, 1.5% agree to this, and 1.5% found it difficult to answer.

On the question of the most preferred forms of education, the opinions of the parents agreed. They argued that the best form of education for children is at school with a teacher (98.5%), together with other children (99%), and worse is learning through communication with artificial intelligence (98%) and distance learning at home. personal computer (98%).

It is believed that traditional education (with a teacher) will be available only to those who can pay for it, since it is expensive. The lower, low-income and poor will be trained by artificial intelligence, this can further widen the gap between the upper and lower strata of society. Almost three quarters of the respondents (74%) in one way or another agree with the opinion, of which 63% agree completely. 21.5% disagree with the opinion, 17.5% of them do not fully share the opinion, 4.5% found it difficult to answer.

A child's participation in these experiments can fundamentally change a child's personality and health. 22% are ready to take responsibility for these changes, since they will not allow an experiment; 68% are not ready to take on such responsibility. 5% - found it difficult to answer, 1.5% - are ready to take responsibility, because they are sure that everything will be fine. 3.5% gave their own answer.

According to Article 44 of the Federal Law on Education, parents have the right to refuse the participation of children in these experiments. More than half of the parents surveyed (51.5%) did not know about it, 27.5% knew it, 16.5% heard something, 4.5% found it difficult to answer.

The overwhelming majority of the parents surveyed (96.5%) do not agree partially or completely on the participation of their child in an experiment on learning in a digital environment , of which 88% do not completely agree. Agree to such an experiment - 1.5%, of which completely - 0.5%, found it difficult to answer - 2%.

The introduction of digital learning is revolutionizing all education. The overwhelming majority of the parents surveyed believe that such changes should become the subject of a nationwide discussion (94.5%). The opposite opinion was expressed by 2.5%, since, in their opinion, politicians should discuss this (1%) and the decision has already been made (1.5%). Found it difficult to answer - 3%.

The overwhelming majority of parents surveyed (89.5%) believe that it is necessary to create a working group at the Moscow Department of Education and Science with the participation of parents to discuss the need to implement digital educational environment projects in school and preschool institutions. Disagree with this proposal - 3%, 5% - found it difficult to answer, 2.5% - chose their own answer.

Similar results are shown by surveys in all 20 cities that took part in the survey.

The Council of Parents "Together" launched a wide activity to educate parents about the essence of digital educational environment plans, the possible consequences of its implementation for children.

Round tables were held with the participation of the public. The activists reported the results of these polls to local officials. The regional press published the data of these polls.

Learn more about the results of the survey on the implementation of digital educational environment by city:

St. Petersburg - http: //xn----7sbfhedbrfkjgf7af6bcairj9fsg.xn--p1ai/otnoshenie-roditelej-g-sankt-peterburga-k-vnedreniyu-tsifrovoj-obrazovatelnoj-sredy-tsos/

Ulan-Ude - http: //xn----7sbfhedbrfkjgf7af6bcairj9fsg.xn--p1ai/mnenie-roditelej-g-ulan-ude-o-vvedenii-tsifrovoj-obrazovatelnoj-sredy-tsos/

Chelyabinsk - http: //xn----7sbfhedbrfkjgf7af6bcairj9fsg.xn--p1ai/mnenie-roditelej-g-chelyabinska-o-vnedrenii-tsifrovoj-obrazovatelnoj-sredy-tsos/

Yekaterinburg - http: //xn----7sbfhedbrfkjgf7af6bcairj9fsg.xn--p1ai/mnenie-roditelej-g-ekaterinburga-o-vnedrenii-tsifrovoj-obrazovatelnoj-sredy-tsos/

Voronezh - http: //xn----7sbfhedbrfkjgf7af6bcairj9fsg.xn--p1ai/mnenie-roditelej-g-voronezha-o-vnedrenii-tsifrovoj-obrazovatelnoj-sredy-tsos/

Volgograd - http: //xn----7sbfhedbrfkjgf7af6bcairj9fsg.xn--p1ai/mnenie-roditelej-g-volgograda-po-vnedreniyu-tsifrovoj-obrazovatelnoj-sredy-tsos/

Orenburg - http: //xn----7sbfhedbrfkjgf7af6bcairj9fsg.xn--p1ai/mnenie-roditelej-g-orenburga-o-vvedenii-tsifrovoj-obrazovatelnoj-sredy-tsos/

Novokuznetsk - http: //xn----7sbfhedbrfkjgf7af6bcairj9fsg.xn--p1ai/mnenie-roditelej-g-novokuznetska-kemerovskoj-oblasti-ob-otnoshenii-k-eksperimentu-po-znedovrenatelobos

Ufa - http: //xn----7sbfhedbrfkjgf7af6bcairj9fsg.xn--p1ai/otnoshenie-roditelej-g-ufy-k-vnedreniyu-tsifrovoj-obrazovatelnoj-sredy-tsos/

Nizhny Novgorod - http: //xn----7sbfhedbrfkjgf7af6bcairj9fsg.xn--p1ai/mnenie-roditelej-g-nizhnij-novgorod-o-vnedrenii-tsifrovoj-obrazovatelnoj-sredy-tsos/

Arkhangelsk region (Arkhangelsk, Severodvinsk, Kotlas, Krasnoslobodsk, Mirny) - http: //xn----7sbfhedbrfkjgf7af6bcairj9fsg.xn--p1ai/otnoshenie-roditelej-arhangelskoj-oblasti-k-eksnedrenniyu-po-po

Krasnodar Territory - http: //xn----7sbfhedbrfkjgf7af6bcairj9fsg.xn--p1ai/mnenie-roditelej-g-krasnodara-o-vnedrenii-tsifrovoj-obrazovatelnyj-sredy-tsos/

Penza - http: //xn----7sbfhedbrfkjgf7af6bcairj9fsg.xn--p1ai/po-itogam-oprosa-roditelej-shkolnikov-g-penzy/

We believe that the publication in the media of the results of the parent survey on the implementation of digital educational environment is an effective way to work to prevent the implementation of digital educational environment.

The opinion of the people is a unique tool of agitation and an irrefutable evidence base before the system of power!

So, the implementation of digital educational environment is “dragged in” as a pedagogical experiment, while parents are not widely informed either about its content or about the timing.

Meanwhile, according to the Federal Law on Education, parents and legal representatives of children have the right to refuse the participation of children in experiments.

Therefore, it is important to convey to the parents information about this experiment, to reveal its essence; to reveal the opinion of parents on this issue, and not private, but public; to make the parents' opinion public, to make it public through various channels of information.

The Union of Parents "Together" encourages parents and educators to join in defending our best traditions in education and to stop experiments in dehumanizing our children.

In 2003, the USE and the USE were introduced with our tacit consent.

Recall that the Unified State Exam came to us from world practice.

The first analogue of the USE was introduced in France in the 1960s, when there were a lot of immigrants from Africa in the country. Their level of education was extremely low, but they also needed to get higher education. The French authorities met halfway - they greatly simplified the exam system. Test polls were introduced, the final exam was combined with the entrance exam.

Very soon numerous demonstrations and protest actions began there: the people did not accept the new system, believing that it would lead to the "dullness" of the nation. The confrontation did not last long: after three years, the government abandoned innovations.

However, such a system has quite successfully taken root in America. It is less expensive and very convenient. Perhaps that is why the Russians, after personal communication with the Americans, are surprised by the one-sidedness and primitiveness of their education.

The Unified State Exam is a lack of a creative approach to teaching a child, concentration on some subjects. In grades 10-11, all the study comes down to "coaching" solutions to type tests. Even for the successful completion of the "creative" part of the exam, students prepare a "fish" - a ready-made universal essay. Now the creative process of education has been turned into a service sector. A great burden of material responsibility fell on the shoulders of the parents. It is difficult to find a high school student who does not use paid tutoring services.

When the USE was introduced in 2003 as an experiment in five areas, most remained silent. We are now reaping the fruits of this compromise!

After 10 years, the results can be summed up. The introduction of the innovation was planned and legalized in stages. What results have we got in the education of our children? University admission has been determined by the results of the USE since 2003. According to the official version, this was supposed to eradicate corruption in universities, but as a result, the knowledge of applicants has dropped monstrously.

For example, at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, a standard dictation was left for freshmen, which assessed school knowledge. He showed a very weak level of knowledge of the Russian language. In some works, up to 80 errors were made. There were egregious examples of spelling illiteracy: "vrochi", "pocient", "I don’t know", "genial" and "through-chyur". These are the phenomenal results shown by the best students recruited with the help of the Unified State Exam, among whom there are even 100-point students. The academic council of the faculty decided then that the dictation revealed a problem on a national scale ...

The results of the “reform” stage are as deplorable as the state of the economy in the country as a whole. Then, in 2003, the regions were selected for the experiment, where the USE was passed for the first time in eight subjects: the Republic of Chuvashia, Mari El, Yakutia, Samara and Rostov regions. All were silent: the teachers did not go against their superiors, and the parents were used to being indignant, but agreeing. Our society is now reaping the fruits of the tacit opposition of the majority!

By all indications, the last stage remains - “completion of the reform” - the digitization of education, i.e. the complete collapse of traditional education in exchange for learning using Artificial Intelligence (AI).

It is being carried out in extreme haste, blaming it on a "pandemic".

And the Unified State Exam, having fulfilled its role - having accustomed children to tests, dies out. Now the student will be tested daily, the AI will assign each "individual trajectory" and maintain a digital portfolio.

Now the digital educational environment experiment is taking place in 14 regions: in the Altai and Perm Territories, the Astrakhan, Kaliningrad, Kaluga, Kemerovo, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Sakhalin, Tyumen and Chelyabinsk regions, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Will the public remain silent now?

In July 2021, the chipping program was unveiled. It is officially reported that the government is developing a program called "Brain, Health, Intelligence, Innovation". It needs 54 billion rubles. The goal of this program is to train personnel for the digital economy, which the Mishustin government considers a national breakthrough. It is supposed to implant a microcomputer into the brain. Neural interface technologies will directly use electrical signals from the brain through AI to control human thinking and actions. The plan for the implementation of the project is established until 2030.

Now all the ideas of the developers of the digital educational environment are becoming obvious. Now they are blatantly lying about the preservation of traditional education. In many ways, their target is robotic children! We dare to assume that the elite will teach their children in classes with a blackboard and notebooks with a living teacher. The bigwigs of world corporations strictly do not let their children under 14 years old to modern digital "goods" and, of course, will leave them as people! And from our children they will create obedient slaves who can be tuned to any program at any time?

We are parents, and we realized that now there is a collapse of traditional education and the replacement of learning with the help of Artificial Intelligence. During the time of self-isolation, we realized how important the profession of a teacher is, and we will defend teachers and traditional education.

Until the point of no return is passed and the experiment is not completed, we will be able to stop digitization by public opinion. Small groups cannot do this, it must be the masses - millions of parents.

We think that those who are ready to fight for their children will be the majority ”.
