Posted 6 октября 2021, 11:57

Published 6 октября 2021, 11:57

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:36

Personal bankruptcies almost doubled in 2021

Personal bankruptcies almost doubled in 2021

6 октября 2021, 11:57
137,485 individuals and entrepreneurs in the Russian Federation were declared insolvent by the courts in the period from January to September 2021. This is 1.8 times more than in the same period of the previous year.

More than 2.8 thousand Russians have successfully passed the out-of-court procedure for personal bankruptcy, it follows from the data of "Fedresurs" - the Unified Federal Register of Bankruptcy Information.

According to Deputy Minister of Economic Development Ilya Torosov, the dynamics are associated with the development of the institution of bankruptcy and the gradual growth of confidence in the procedure.

Since October 2015, the courts have declared bankrupt about 420 thousand people. As a rule, mostly citizens independently initiate bankruptcy. In the case of bankrupt companies, creditors act as initiators of insolvency.

During the first nine months of this year, citizens initiated 95.15% of bankruptcy cases themselves. Last year the figure was 94%.

The head of the Fedresusr project, Alexei Yukhnin, believes that the development of bankruptcy of citizens as a socially-oriented procedure for writing off debt will have a positive effect on the economy.

Basically, during this period, 7402 people went bankrupt in Moscow, 7315 in the Moscow region, in the Kuban region - 6882, in St. Petersburg - 6086, Samara region - 5917, Sverdlovsk region - 5595, Bashkortostan - 5240, Rostov region - 4341, Chelyabinsk region - 4152 and the Volgograd region - 3668.

Last month, Torosov announced that the Russians, under a simplified bankruptcy procedure for individuals (in force since September last year and applies to debts from 50 to 500 thousand rubles), will write off debts totaling over 1.6 billion rubles. With regard to 2.5 thousand people who were among the first to apply, the procedure has already been completed. The remaining applications are expected to expire six months.