Professor Savelyev - on the raid on his laboratory: "Robbing science is already a last-ditch measure"

Professor Savelyev - on the raid on his laboratory: "Robbing science is already a last-ditch measure"

6 октября 2021, 18:59
"They stole everything that they could steal!" The professor spoke on YouTube about the robbers who robbed his laboratory, and turned to the audience with a request for all possible help - there was no one else to rely on.

"Sad story. Cases of all sorts of minor outrages have become more frequent. In particular, it is officially known that the Institute of Gene Biology of the Russian Academy of Sciences was robbed.

There are suspicions, this is unverified data, but, nevertheless, that such raiders were at the Institute of Biology and Development, and at three departments of Moscow State University, but this is unconfirmed information.

And, finally, the turn came to us.

The raid took place on the institute in general, premises were opened on several floors, safes were opened, everything was broken, damaged. You can look at the terrible pictures, which show how they broke the jambs at the doors, broke the locks of the iron boxes - as you understand, scientists do not have special safes.

And they stole everything they could steal. And the money that was prepared both for keeping animals, and for buying feed, and for paying for publications abroad.

If you think that our advanced science is financed so that it can publish articles in the West at public expense, you are mistaken, they cost a lot, from a thousand to two and a half thousand "Comfortable Raccoons", it is very expensive, not according to our salaries.

Therefore, we collected this money in order to carry out this minimal activity. Plus, this includes, of course, the purchase of markers, those that we need to study antibodies, which I have talked about many times.

That is, all this money successfully migrated into the pockets of the Mazuriks. Because they were prepared for immediate use, but any fool who gets acquainted with the achievements of will easily extract them from the iron box.

Of course, to steal from science is a "last-ditch measure", to be honest.

That is, it says that the systemic attitude to science in our country has radically changed since Soviet times.

If earlier, in Soviet times, a candidate or doctor of sciences, God forbid, a professor, and even more so an academician, appeared somewhere, then it was universal respect, respect for knowledge and for the time that he spent to acquire it.

But in the 1980s and 1990s, crowds of crooks with dubious dissertations discredited science completely, and even lawsuits did not raise the rating of science, because, as a rule, it was not honest scientists that won, but important administrators.

About our spending. I bought a homogenizer for 37,000, we also bought all sorts of useful things, including for recording files. But first of all, of course, the money was spent on food, only for food for rats, for example, 49,800 rubles had to be transferred. For rodent drinkers and so on. Here's another thing - 55,000 rubles were spent on feed, plus another 22,000 rubles. 5000 to 7000 thousand rubles each was spent on all sorts of microphone enhancers, sound dampers.

I had a business trip to St. Petersburg, and scientific money was also spent on this. The money spent on the vivarium 51,902 rubles, according to the check, this is exactly what we need all the time. Rats have a bad habit of cracking. Without this, experimental work is impossible.

In addition, we purchased a new router, our old one burned out, due to which there was no Internet in the laboratory. More than 320,000 rubles were spent to pay for publications abroad, because, of course, they are absolutely free and peer-reviewed, but after you have reviewed and given everything away, you receive a corresponding message stating that we are asking you within ten days pay the appropriate invoice because you have color photographs, overheads, and so on.

In fact, publications, even the most outstanding ones, in high-ranking magazines require money, I repeat, from a thousand to two and a half thousand dollars. It turns out that they, in fact, need to be included in the budgets of institutions, but this does not happen, so everyone is spinning as best he can.

In connection with the ugly theft, which took place in a cynical manner, we, in general, were left without food for animals, without money for articles and without the necessary consumables - without the ability to buy antibodies to carry out work. And this is especially offensive, because this year the main topic is coming to an end, and we do not have a lot of prospects for obtaining the chemistry that is needed to perform even planned research.

I want to thank in advance everyone who will support us with at least something, no matter how cheap this help is, it accumulates and allows us to solve the most urgent problems.

I hope that the situation will change someday. Hope, of course, dies last, but, unfortunately, we cannot hope for anything other than your audience's interest in our videos, publications and explanations of those scientific problems that interest you.

We, unfortunately, do not have a Teletubbies show, we are not politicians and psychologists, we have nothing to sell.

We have fundamental science, which, unfortunately, usually yields results even after scientists leave for another world. No other way of financing is foreseen yet. The grant system, as I have said many times, is a way of destroying science".

Сергей Савельев подробно рассказал, на что уходят деньги, которые, от случая к случаю, жертвуют лаборатории обычные россияне, желающие поддержать отечественную науку.

Data for money transfers for those wishing to help the laboratory of Professor Savelyev:

QIWI Wallet: +79165969397

Sberbank card: 5369610002896132

Webmoney: R352571075640

Yandex Money: 410015778221744 Paypal:

Here is what they write in the comments to the video of Professor Savelyev:

- Of course, I will help, dear professor, just take care of your health, you are dear to us. - Very similar to the order to finish off the last remaining research teams. Apparently, everything will be decided by artificial intelligence, they have crossed the road to global stupefaction!

- To rob the oligarchs and all sorts of rich people - the gut is thin, but to rob a person of business - the mind is not necessary. These are freaks!

- The baboons decided to take revenge on the professor. Find them and hand them over to the professor for experiments.

- Hold on! People, we have to help the professor!

#Общество #Institute #News #Robbery #Russia #Incident #Scientist #Science #Situation