Posted 6 октября 2021,, 06:57

Published 6 октября 2021,, 06:57

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

The collapse of social networks: leaking data into the darknet, exposure in the United States and the second Snowden

6 октября 2021, 06:57
State Duma deputy of the VIII convocation, at one time arrested in the United States as a "foreign agent", Maria Butina commented on yesterday's collapse of Western social networks and the events that preceded it; her words are quoted by the portal "Russkaya Vesna".

“The strange coincidence of the public disclosure by ex-Facebook employee Frances Haugen of the deliberate assistance of the company to the political and social polarization of society and the large-scale failure of the FB and other applications of the corporation somehow does not seem to be an accident.

The phenomenon of the so-called whistle-blower (a person who discloses non-public or even secret data of a certain structure, state (Snowden) or private (now: Haugen) for the United States is not uncommon, but not everyone gets the rostrum of the central American television channels.

I have personally met many such truth-tellers at various political parties in America, but their names will not tell you anything: no one ever found out about these revelations, as a maximum, the materials were published by a couple of half-crazy bloggers.

And then 60 Minutes (broadcast on the CBS channel - editor's note), which is considered the most popular political TV show in the world. And immediately after Haugen's revelation, the company's messengers and applications fall, and personal data of users are leaked to the Internet.


Three scenarios can be assumed here:

  1. Unlikely: both events are truly coincidental;
  2. Facebook's management distracts attention from the revelations of the former employee with a bigger problem;
  3. Haugen's revelations, plus a large-scale failure, are more than sufficient reasons for the American state to take control of a dangerous big tech "at the request of the workers" (big tech - technology giants - ed.).

It is clear that they are already more connected than that, however, maybe someone in the company got a little arrogant and thought that he was holding “God by the beard,” so it's time to remind, so that it’s not so easy, and even better, to break the monopolist a bunch of managed companies with "right" and obedient people in the leadership.

Divide and rule, as they say, especially since the public will now clearly help this, for fear is the best motivator. This is the most likely scenario.

I'm not building conspiracy theories here, I just know history: America has done this countless times both in the foreign policy arena and at home.

These guys are rather clumsy in their methods: templates and manuals are their strong point, because this is the main principle of the capitalist - if something is sold, you don't need to change it while the people are hawking, and the money is flowing into your pocket.

Today Haugen speaks at a hearing in Congress, and then, I guarantee, the American public will call for help in the fight against the evil corporations of bigtech Captain America - the state.

“Wait,” they will say in bigtech, “but we helped you in the elections and in punishing the“ internal terrorists ”and“ evil Russian hackers ”appointed by you for the political struggle ?! How so?! They promised a safe haven for profit.

- Well, my dears, - the American diplomatic state (deep state - ed.) Will smile with a malicious grin, - to promise does not mean to marry. You also say that you believe in democracy and freedom. Just like the little ones. Go to the stall. "

Human rights blogger Elena Nikitskaya on her YouTube channel says the following about the global fall of Facebook:

“Human rights activists have long known about the true causes of such incidents, all this links the links of the chain.

Now official explanations from the series will appear: just at the moment when we were engaged in making the Internet and social networks safe for children, some hackers hacked everything.

Political manipulation of all this will definitely follow. Someone will surely braid a Russian trace: “These are Russian hackers!”, Again we need to remember the Cold War and arm everyone. Let's set everyone up against each other again and strengthen the quarantine and all the restrictions.

But what actually happened now? Data leaked!

The data of one and a half billion people are now on the darknet! It's just scary!

Now they will start trading our data.

As it was in New York, where the police data was put on public display. It was intimidation: don't mind the black fist movement ( BLM). You guys don't know whose data - phone numbers, addresses, credit cards - were leaked.

In general, now in the United States they will begin to saw the budget, all sorts of grants - let's urgently direct the money to strengthen cybersecurity.

You can argue for a long time how the syndrome of intimidation, the syndrome of control will affect, but most importantly, something else. The main reason is different.

Pleased in this regard, the Fox News channel, which reported the truth.

All this suggests that you need to protect yourself and create your own sites and platforms so that you are not knocked out in one second.

Fox News writes that Facebook and all applications are down because one of the largest hearings against Facebook was about to take place now.

This happened exactly 24 hours before the hearing against Facebook was supposed to take place, as reported by Francis Haugen, one of the Senate judges who participates in the hearing.

Francesie Haugen was about to testify against social media giant Facebook. On the air of C BS, Frances Haugen was shown as a woman who anonymously filed a complaint with federal law enforcement, due to the fact that her own research shows that Facebook is increasing manifestations of hatred and disinformation, leading to polarization on Instagram and, in particular, harms teenage girls.

I have repeatedly made thereof, in which talked about the research on the pornotrafika and systems of the human traffic (human traffic) through Facebook. And this woman, Francis Haugen, at the hearing had to provide all the facts of what is happening".