Posted 6 октября 2021,, 11:53

Published 6 октября 2021,, 11:53

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

UEFA depicts Crimea as part of Ukraine at the presentation of the logo for Euro 2024

UEFA depicts Crimea as part of Ukraine at the presentation of the logo for Euro 2024

6 октября 2021, 11:53
The Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) has unveiled a new logo for the 2024 UEFA European Football Championship. During the presentation of this logo, the union showed a video with a map of Europe, in which Crimea was included in Ukraine.

The peninsula in the video was painted in the flag of Ukraine along with the entire territory of this country.

The UEFA presentation was commented on by the Federation Council. As noted by the vice-speaker Konstantin Kosachev, such a decision by UEFA may have consequences. “UEFA is getting into politics head over heels, forgetting about its direct responsibilities to athletes and football fans”, - he wrote on his Facebook page.

Previously, similar scandals with the inclusion of Crimea in Ukraine during sports events occurred more than once. Thus, a world map was posted on the website of the Olympic Games in Tokyo, on which Crimea is depicted as part of Ukraine. Moreover, earlier the peninsula was part of the Russian Federation, but this was corrected after a complaint from the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry. The Russian embassy expressed its strong protest against such actions to the International Olympic Committee and the organizing committee of the Games.

This summer, the Ukrainian Football Association (UAF) approved the slogans "Glory to Ukraine!" and "Glory to the Heroes!" as an official symbol on the uniform of the national football team. In addition, the uniform showed a map of Ukraine with Crimea and the self-proclaimed republics of the DPR and LPR as part of. UEFA then demanded to remove Nazi symbols from the uniform, but the map was allowed to be kept. UEFA noted that the UN recognizes the data of the state border of the country.

The 2024 European Championship will take place in Germany from June 14 to July 14. 24 teams will participate in it.