Posted 8 октября 2021,, 14:10

Published 8 октября 2021,, 14:10

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Is the coronavirus already in a panic? Russia patented the electromagnetic "Tor"

8 октября 2021, 14:10
The Roszdravnadzor recently reported absolutely out of the ordinary news: the state agency issued a registration certificate for a medical device for a device for remote electromagnetic suppression of viruses - including "all strains of Covid-19"! - under the name "Tor" of Russian design.

How the name of the device is deciphered - and whether it is deciphered at all, is not entirely clear, at least, in official sources of information on this matter, "Novye Izvestia" did not found it out. Probably, the name is associated with "torsion fields", but Thor involuntarily comes to mind, a character from Scandinavian mythology - one of the aces, the god of thunder and lightning, protecting the gods and people from giants and monsters; "Thrice-born" eldest son of Odin and the goddess of the earth Yord.

However, to the heart of the matter. Vasily Shpak, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, reported the news about the appearance of a unique apparatus "TOR", Interfax notes.

“The device has no analogues in the world. A week and a half ago, he received a registration certificate as a medical device. With its radiation, absolutely harmless to humans , five times less powerful than the radiation from your smartphones, within 15 minutes of operation, it provides a person with protection from coronavirus infection during the day, "Shpak noted during the Microelectronics 2021 forum, which until October 9 takes place in Alushta.

He clarified that such a device is installed, for example, in the hall where the forum's events are held. At the end, the organizers promised to collect statistics on the incidence of participants.

“This once again proves our success and the ability, from the point of view of electronics, from the point of view of complex medical equipment, to solve the most serious problems,” the Deputy Minister noted.

Information about the "Tor" apparatus is available in the development section of the site of JSC "Concern Granit" . The developer claims that when the device is connected to the network, it generates broadband electromagnetic radiation at low-intensity high-voltage pulses, and under its influence the virus loses its ability to actively reproduce.

"Novye Izvestia" found a two-minute video on YouTube, which tells about the advantages of the device. It can be viewed here.

The video says TOR is "designed to combat the spread of all COVID-19 strains".

We also studied the site dedicated to the unique device.

A lot of interesting details came to light. For example, it is noted that in the development of "TOR" were used "Soviet scientific results based on the basic principles of physiotherapy".

The cost of the device has not yet been indicated.

"Novye Izvestia" has compiled a selection of the main theses on the operation of the device "TOR" from the developers' website and we invite you to familiarize yourself with them in order to better understand what kind of miracle device this is:

- The device "TOR" creates an electromagnetic background that suppresses the activity of Covid-19.

- The impact of the apparatus "TOR" leads to the inhibition of the virulent properties of the virus.

- The virus stops multiplying intensively, which makes it easier for the human immune system to cope with the infection.

- The device is capable of effective action at a distance of up to 230 meters, which allows you to counteract infection in crowded places.

- The proportion of patients who received the "TOR" exposure with a negative PCR test result on the 5th day was 87%, and on the 14th day - 98.7% (test results are available upon request to licensed medical institutions)

It is reported that the effectiveness of the technology has already been described in the international scientific journal Polymers, which is an analogue of the Lancet magazine for medicine (rating - Q1), and is confirmed by the certificate of conformity of the Eurasian Economic Union.

For the first time in the world, according to the website, it was proved by a scientifically repeatable experiment that all ionic solutions, which include human blood and lymph, retain electromagnetic effects for a long time.

The article shows that cellular conductance is controlled by amino acids in the same way that memory cells inside a computer are controlled by electrical signals.

Meanwhile, on the website of the JSC "Concern Granit" about the creation of "TOR" is told in more detail, with the background, you can get acquainted with this information here .

“At the start of development, the electromagnetic spectrum of the pathogen COVID-19 was identified. The resulting spectrum was transformed in such a way as to neutralize the original. We called the final impact by the term "noise": a targeted electromagnetic field that does not affect other frequency echelons is created. Further, all efforts were focused on analyzing the safety of the resulting solution.

According to all the necessary expert opinions, the "TOR" apparatus is recognized as safe for humans. Its electromagnetic power is several times lower than that of household appliances and smartphones. By creating electromagnetic interference with the pathogen, it does not have any negative effect on a living organism.

The history of the development of electromagnetic medicine in the world is counted only in tens of years. The Russian school is represented by the works of Academician Nikolai Dmitrievich Devyatkov (1907 - 2001). Its main developments were in the military sphere and were aimed at increasing the country's defense capability. And it is he who is considered the founder of medical electronics.

The history of the development of electromagnetic medicine in the world is counted only in tens of years. The Russian school is represented by the works of Academician Nikolay Dmitrievich Devyatkov (1907 - 2001). Its main developments were in the military sphere and were aimed at increasing the country's defense capability. And it is he who is considered the founder of medical electronics", - in particular, says the reference information of JSC "Concern Granit".

Meanwhile, the following circumstance seems to be extremely curious: a number of bloggers, in connection with the appearance of the unique device "TOR", recall the developments of Pyotr Garyaev, the creator of the theory of the "wave genome".

Garyaev died in November 2020.

His main work is called "Wave Genome" (1994), he was declared by Garyaev as a "monograph", representing a compilation of his previous articles. However, the scientific community did not recognize Garyaev's works, since - as noted, for example, in Wikipedia - "to date, not a single experimental proof of his ideas exists." In a word, many representatives of official science called Pyotr Garyaev a pseudo-scientist.

But there are also absolutely opposite opinions.

Pyotr Garyaev is a unique person and scientist who studied wave genetics, conducted experiments, proved that various viruses can be transmitted at the microwave level and can be treated at the wave level.

Using the example of mice, he proved that it is possible to cause a total blockage of the pancreas by transferring from one point to another, at the wave genetic level, of a certain disease. In mice, the pancreas was completely deactivated, after which another impulse was sent at the wave level and the pancreas was restored. That is, he proved it in an experiment. And then Luc Montagnier (French virologist, Knight of the Legion of Honor, Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology 2008, which he shared with Harald zur Hausen and Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, - noted by "NI"), who after the experiments, Garyaev did the same things. And Garyaev talked about how Montagnier repeated this experiment and traveled with him around the world, but no one took him seriously, despite the fact that he was a Nobel Prize winner in medicine. The fact that Pyotr Garyaev died is the greatest loss in our medicine. And then suddenly this device appears, officially registered in Russia...”, - said the famous blogger Yekaterina Kovalenko on her YouTube channel .