Posted 11 октября 2021, 07:44

Published 11 октября 2021, 07:44

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:36

After the article in Novye Izvestia the Sukhanovsky Forest got a chance to avoid building-up

After the article in Novye Izvestia the Sukhanovsky Forest got a chance to avoid building-up

11 октября 2021, 07:44
The Department of Cultural Heritage of the Moscow Region did not agree with the conclusions of the experts who substantiated the project to reduce the protected zones, cut down and build up the relict Sukhanovsky forest.

Let us remind you that Novye Izvestia dedicated a publication to this situation and sent appeals to the administration of the Moscow region and to the Ministry of Culture.

Irina Mishina

According to documents, the Sukhanovsky forest is already 250 years old. Having survived the war with Napoleon, the October Revolution of 1917, the civil war and the Great Patriotic War, he risked perishing at the hands of modern developers.

Let us briefly recall the background: according to the corruption scheme, the lands that once belonged to collective farms were bought up and presumably allotted for the construction of residential complexes. The whole city was supposed to ascend on the place where the Volkonsky princes and an associate of Peter the Great, the first Moscow governor Tikhon Streshnev, who ruled Russia during Peter's trips abroad, once lived. The examination contained enchanting allegations that the centuries-old oaks of Sukhanovo, remembering the war of 1812, allegedly burned down during a fire. We had to show them to the Moscow Region Cultural Heritage Administration (GUKN) in full size. In the publication "Dead Souls and a Virtual Fire": How the "Protected" Sukhanovo is being destroyed in the Moscow Region, "Novye Izvestia" dwelled in detail on the corruption schemes of transferring the lands of protected areas to the property of developers. The TV channel Russia-1 also spoke out against the deprivation of Sukhanovo's protection status. In this regard, our editorial office received a gratitude from the "Lenin Council of Activists".

As a result of joint efforts, a publication appeared on the website of the Moscow Region Cultural Heritage Administration (GUKN) with a summary of comments on the project to reduce the protection zones of the Sukhanovo estate. It follows from it that the GUKN rejected the conclusions of experts Kudryavtseva, Tikhonov and Semenova, rejecting their project for cutting down and building up the territory of the Sukhanovsky forest. The Department of Cultural Heritage agreed with the numerous comments of the residents of the Leninsky urban district, the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments (VOOPIiK) and the Union of Architects of Russia.

A number of authoritative experts in the field of architecture, including the Scientific and Methodological Council under the Ministry of Culture of Russia and the Union of Architects of Russia, opposed the project, which assumed the deprivation of the relic forest near the village of Fedyukovo and the possible development of Sukhanovo. Professor of the Moscow Architectural Institute Nikolay Vasiliyev made a statement in this regard on behalf of his colleagues:

“This examination not only denigrates the practice of expert assessments and harms the reputation of the authorities and personally the governor A. Yu. Vorobyov, but also causes social tension in the Leninsky District, Moscow Region, Moscow and far beyond their borders. our country, as well as other countries is very broad and interconnected".

Sukhanovsky forest, one might say, was lucky: nearby, on the territory of the forest, there is the House of Creativity of the Union of Architects of Russia, where architects have the opportunity to relax at quite preferential and affordable prices. But what about the other estates in Moscow and the Moscow region, which are turning into ruins before our eyes? Even dilapidated, surrounded by impenetrable thickets, they attract travelers with their mystery and history. The far from complete list of the Moscow Region estates connected with the history of the country, which, by a strange coincidence, do not arouse any interest in either the Union of Architects or the Ministry of Culture of Russia, is impressive.
