Posted 11 октября 2021,, 08:04

Published 11 октября 2021,, 08:04

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Dmitry Medvedev in his article about Ukraine called the country's leadership "ignorant"

11 октября 2021, 08:04
Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev published a new article in which he explains why contacts between Russia and Ukraine are meaningless under the current Ukrainian leadership.

The text of Medvedev's article in the author's edition is published by Kommersant.

According to Medvedev, the first problem of modern Ukraine is that the current leadership of the country, especially the top officials, are people who do not have any stable self-identification.

“Unhappy people. Who are they, citizens of which country are they, where are their roots, what is their historical identity, ethnic component, what gods do they pray to? Who do they feel they are?”, - Medvedev reflects.

According to the Deputy Chairman of the Security Council, the current president of Ukraine, who previously spoke Russian and received money from Russian sources, “has renounced his identity. He began to earnestly serve the most rabid nationalist forces in Ukraine".

Medvedev believes that Zelensky was "disgusting" to commit such a moral "somersault", causing daily "cognitive dissonance" in his soul and actions.

Medvedev's second thesis regarding the representatives of the Ukrainian leadership concerns their "absolute lack of independence".

“The country is under direct foreign control. Moreover, management is much tougher than the interaction of the USSR with individual socialist countries in a certain period”, - Medvedev is convinced.

The third problem of the Ukrainian leadership, according to the Deputy Chairman of the Security Council, is that "at the head of Ukraine are weak people who only strive to fill their pockets".

“Moreover, it is desirable, just in case, to save money in a foreign offshore,” Medvedev notes in the article.

The fourth reason for the "meaninglessness" of contacts with the modern leadership of Ukraine, according to Medvedev, is due to the fact that "this country is headed by ignorant and unnecessary people".

“They are constantly changing their position to please their overseas masters and the political environment. This is how they understand the art of diplomacy”, - Medvedev believes.

Summarizing what has been said, the Deputy Chairman of the Security Council comes to the conclusion that no bilateral agreements between Russia and Ukraine are possible under the current Ukrainian leadership.

According to Medvedev, any attempts to establish contact are pointless, so they must be stopped for a while.

He suggests “to wait for the appearance of a sane leadership in Ukraine, which is aimed not at total confrontation with Russia on the brink of war, not at organizing the moronic Crimean Platforms, created to fool the country's population and pump up their muscles before the elections, but at building equal and mutually beneficial relations. with Russia".

“It’s just such a leadership of Ukraine that is worth dealing with. Russia knows how to wait. We are patient people”, - summed up Dmitry Medvedev.