Mortality due to covid in Russia has increased among the anti-vaxxers

11 октября 2021, 11:01
Deaths from coronavirus have increased among those who refuse to be vaccinated. This was told by the doctor Alexander Semyonov, head of the Yekaterinburg branch of the Center "Vector".

The physician called the opponents of vaccination "stubborn covid-idiots" and noted that they are the ones who continue to get sick and die. At the same time, he stressed that patients vaccinated against coronavirus also get sick, but there are few severe cases among them, reports the TV channel "360".

Earlier, Roszdravnadzor (Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare) announced that in Russia there were no deaths from vaccination against covid.

#Health problems #Health #Mortality #Doctors #Общество #Pandemic #Vaccine #News #Vaccination #Anti-vaccination #Russia #Roszdravnadzor (Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare and Social Development) #Covid19 #Anti-vaxxers #Yekaterinburg #Coronavirus #Yekaterinburg region #Opinion #Vaccines