Posted 12 октября 2021,, 07:12

Published 12 октября 2021,, 07:12

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

"Bloody Lady" is already offline: why society was outraged by an accident with Ksenia Sobchak

12 октября 2021, 07:12
After the accident in Sochi, when the Maybach, in which Ksenia Sobchak was traveling, crashed into a Volkswagen and its passenger died, the driver pleaded guilty, and the host herself told why she had to leave for Moscow without waiting for the ambulance and the police...

Everything seems to be clear and understandable. But a discussion began in society anyway.

Yelena Ivanova, Natalia Seibil

“Traffic accidents happen every day in Russia. About 30 thousand deaths a year. Why did you write about it? Because Sobchak was there? These are all games named after the press. The press would not report, let the court figure out who is to blame. No, the hype starts, because there is such a scandalous and worthless character as Sobchak”, - the professor of political science Yuliy Nisnevich is indignant.

Nevertheless, this "character", according to the professor's definition, is part of the Russian elite. In a world where celebrities determine not only what to wear and where to rest, but also how to live, attention to them will be increased in any case. And questions also remain. It is obvious that Ksenia Sobchak and her entourage were in a hurry to the airport. As commentators say, a little over an hour was left before the landing, so they were in a hurry. Political opponents reproach Ksenia Sobchak for her lack of empathy.

“Here I remember the expression: “Contempt for the people”, when I was in a hurry, I moved to another car and drove on, leaving people bleeding to death”, - says political analyst Sergei Markov.

Ksenia Anatolyevna justifies her haste by the fact that after the collision she only wanted to go home to her son. The victim from Volkswagen said that the Maybach passengers did not get out of the car after the collision, after five or 10 minutes another car drove up and they left.

It is characteristic that in a detailed story Sobchak uses the pronoun "we" when she says what good "they" will do for the victims. "We" are, apparently, Sobchak's employees, her attendants.

Historian Alexey Malashenko left Sochi by train today - no one said anything about this accident on local television.

“Our society and the elite are conditional concepts, because they, this elite, behave with impunity, impudently, and in all respects is not an elite as such”, - says Aleksey Malashenko.

The question of the responsibility of Ksenia Sobchak, of course, is not worth it.

"The driver is always responsible. The fact that a passenger commanded him is legends and myths. If there is no DVR there, and it is not there, this is a word against a word, this conversation is absolutely empty. You are driving, you are in charge of safety. Who said what there is beyond objective consideration", - says Mikhail Blinkin, director of the Institute for Transport Economics and Transport Policy at the Higher School of Economics.

Ksenia Sobchak herself immediately suspected the "hand of the Kremlin", or the presidential administration. They say that there are schemers and spiteful critics, but we will not pay attention to them. Ironically, Sobchak found herself in exactly the same situation as Lukoil's vice president Barkov. The businessman was also not driving and was asleep when his driver crashed into a Citroen and killed two women. Then the people's anger fell on Barkov, and Sobchak was one of those who strongly condemned him. Now the name of her own telegram channel "Bloody Lady" ("Krovavaya Barynya") has acquired a tragic sound.

It's not only and not so much about Ksenia Sobchak. Whether she forced the driver, contrary to all the traffic rules, to hurry up to catch the flight, or, as the presenter herself says, there was no such thing, the people will not have confidence in what the court decides. People are sure that those who consider themselves to be at the top of society will never have anything in Russia.

"I do not exclude that something like this is common in the rest of the world, but we feel it especially vividly, because, firstly, this is a regime that predisposes to this. The higher you are, the cooler you are, the more you can do whatever you want. And we have such a political culture, and it has always been, especially under Soviet rule. But now too. Listen, well, how the communists behaved with impunity, we know very well. And under Stalin, and after Stalin. And now this is a continuation, this is such a bad tradition", - says the historian Aleksey Malashenko.

Sergey Markov believes that the system of "wild, very tough capitalism", which was created in Russia, is to blame for everything. Yes, a Maybach driver may have a good salary, but he is still a “half-slave”:

"Our workers are not socially protected, there is no trade union, there is no collective agreement. He is face to face with an employer who can fire him, and he is left with a choice whether to violate traffic rules or not. If you do not violate the traffic rules, he is fired, and he is unemployed, and his children and wife are without money. This is the fault of the system, of wild capitalism. And of course, Ksenia Sobchak is the singer of wild capitalism".

An absolutely vicious system has been created in the country, when people are divided into masters who are allowed everything, and everyone else, says Sergei Markov, the defender of the Putin regime, outraged.

“I would not use the word “elite”, but would return to the Soviet concept of the nomenclature, those who are elected from the point of view of the authorities”, - says Yuliy Nisnevich.

Whether Ksenia Sobchak wants it or not, her participation, or rather, non-participation in an accident, renewed the public discussion about the gap between the nomenklatura and ordinary people with renewed vigor. And of course, the trial in the case of Mikhail Yefremov immediately comes to mind.

"Yefremov hurt our government. Everything was done to get rid of him, firstly, and present him exclusively as a drug addict, alcoholic and so on. Sobchak is a completely different situation, if only because her dad was a friend of Putin", - says Alexey Malashenko.

It is hard to imagine that “mere mortals”, even in the status of a witness, would have a spare car driven to the scene of a fatal accident, and they, waving their hands to the road policemen, left for home. Why is it being discussed in the society, and is it only the fault of the press, which "inflates"? With the global injustice of Russian life and complete distrust of the justice system and courts, any person from the elite will be targeted, especially those who call for a better life at rallies. The departure of Ksenia Sobchak "to Moscow" from the scene of the tragedy will have a bad effect on her personal reputation and even worse on the reputation of the elite. This story shows once again how far we are from each other.

"If there is a "show whipping", Sobchak will only make money on this. She will not get off the screen, she will make excuses, and in some way it is beneficial for her, despite the fact that it will be popularity with a minus sign. We know how such people behave. It's like a rapist who, thanks to journalists, has gained additional popularity", - reminds Alexey Malashenko.

By the way, the interview was taken by Ksenia Sobchak.

"Sobchak - is entirely the fruit of the 2000s This is the common name of all unsightly bourgeois these years, the essence of that part zazhravsheysya elite that has lost the shore in aggressive antisocial overconsumption - ..Says blogger of LiveJournal Russian boy, - Now that moment, when there is an opportunity to get rid of Sobchak as a phenomenon, to rid Russia of its stigma. No, not to imprison (unfortunately, this cannot be done purely legally), but to leave her out of work, close all doors and broadcasts in front of her, deprive her her main drug is demand".

If this happens, then the entire majors stratum to which it belongs will receive a black mark. This will be a significant step towards changing the frame of reference in society.