Posted 12 октября 2021,, 12:04

Published 12 октября 2021,, 12:04

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

State Duma deputies of the eighth convocation held the first meeting

State Duma deputies of the eighth convocation held the first meeting

12 октября 2021, 12:04
State Duma deputies held their first meeting after the parliamentary elections. The meeting was opened by the first woman-cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova by right of the oldest deputy.

Only the former first deputy mayor of Moscow, Vladimir Resin, is older than her in the new convocation of the State Duma, but he refused this task.

At the first meeting, the anthem of Russia was sounded, after which Valentina Tereshkova announced the results of the elections and gave the floor to representatives of political parties that passed to the State Duma.

In total, 427 out of 450 deputies were present in the hall. Earlier, the leader of the LDPR party, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, said that 11 deputies could not attend the first meeting, as they had been diagnosed with coronavirus.

At the first meeting, the deputies will have to elect the Counting Commission of the State Duma, an interim commission on the rules and organization of work, as well as an interim secretariat. Then the parliamentarians will have to choose the chairman of the State Duma and his deputies and approve the new structure of committees and commissions.

We will remind that the elections of the State Duma deputies were held from 17 to 19 September. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation does not recognize the voting results. The party announced falsifications, as well as many violations in the counting of electronic votes. The day before, in protest against the election results, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation left the meeting of the Moscow City Duma.