Posted 13 октября 2021,, 09:01

Published 13 октября 2021,, 09:01

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Elderly Muscovites were offered 10 thousand rubles for vaccinations instead of gift sets

Elderly Muscovites were offered 10 thousand rubles for vaccinations instead of gift sets

13 октября 2021, 09:01
Elderly residents of the capital who participate in the program of additional incentives for vaccination against coronavirus will be given the opportunity to receive a cash payment. The decree on this was signed by the mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin.

The program started on June 23 and will run until December 31, 2021. Citizens over 65 can join it, who will be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 during this period. Elderly residents of the capital can also participate in the program, who will undergo revaccination by 31 December. They will be able to receive “Taking care of health” gift sets. This set includes "things necessary to maintain health and well-being - especially during periods of intensification of viral infections", - according to the website of the mayor of Moscow. These kits have already been awarded to over 240 pensioners.

Today it became known that the gift set can be replaced with a payment of 10 thousand rubles. In order to get it, you need to apply to any city center for social services. You need to take your passport, vaccination certificate and gift set certificate with you.

It's worth reminding that the Kremlin called the level of vaccination against coronavirus in the country unacceptably low. At the same time, they do not intend to introduce fines for refusing to vaccinate in Russia.