Posted 15 октября 2021,, 06:04

Published 15 октября 2021,, 06:04

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Rospotrebnadzor intends to create a system for detecting infected foreigners

Rospotrebnadzor intends to create a system for detecting infected foreigners

15 октября 2021, 06:04
Thanks to the system of information of "sanitary and epidemiological nature", according to Rospotrebnadzor, it will be possible to identify infected foreign citizens and deport them from Russia.

The department's proposal to create such a base does not include diseases in which foreigners will be expelled to their homeland.

The corresponding bill has been published on the portal of regulatory legal acts. The document states that the new system will help to organize "interagency cooperation to prevent foreign citizens or stateless persons from carrying out labor activities," which may be "a source of the spread of infectious diseases that pose a danger to others." As soon as the infected person is identified, a decision will be made about the “undesirability” of his stay on the territory of Russia.

This system will collect, organize and store data "characterizing the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population." The data will come from the information systems of the Rospotrebnador and the Ministry of Health, local authorities that work in the field of health protection. The system will also address issues of operational information and "emerging threats and situations requiring a prompt response", as well as "forecasting the sanitary and epidemiological situation".

The authors of the project believe that it "will not entail negative socio-economic, financial and other consequences". If the resolution is adopted, it will enter into force until November 2021.

It should be reminded that a "landing" of migrants from Uzbekistan is expected in Russia - 10 thousand workers will arrive in the country, including for employment at the Vostochny cosmodrome. In addition, 158 thousand citizens of Uzbekistan, previously deprived of the right to enter the territory of the Russian Federation, will now be amnestied.

And next year, the functionality of the super services available on the State Services will be expanded , and three new ones will be added: a service for labor migrants, for issuing electronic waybills for the transport of goods and passengers, as well as services for the commissioning of capital construction projects.