Scientists: there will soon be no boundaries between people and digital objects

Scientists: there will soon be no boundaries between people and digital objects

20 октября 2021, 16:47
Moscow hosted the II press conference of the so-called Emergency Response Information Group on the topic “National Security Threatened. The Last Frontier".

The focus of the conference participants was the international exercises in Kazan of teams of rapid response to emergency situations of a sanitary and epidemiological nature, which were held from 11 to 15 October under the auspices of the World Health Organization. According to the speakers, these exercises took place within the framework of a general restructuring of the global governance system and the establishment of a new medical order, the legitimization of which should be the conclusion of an international Pandemic Agreement (Novye Izvestia wrote about this in the article "The Pandemic Agreement covers the establishment of a New World Order")

Within the framework of the press conference, the geopolitical, medical, legal aspects of this event were considered, which, according to the participants of the meeting, can only be understood in the light of the introduction of a new civilizational model, which is based on the approval of the concept of bio-digital convergence .

Associate Professor Olga Chetverikova, PhD in History, author of the recently published book Behind the Facade of WHO: Rockefeller, Gates and the Conspiracy Against Humanity, spoke about what biodigital convergence is and what ideas are being promoted by the architects of the new model of society:

“Now things are happening that no longer fit into the understanding of what “human” is. Eugenics is monstrous, so monstrous that it is impossible to realize it without using harsh methods of pressure and without breaking a person in a person.

And what is happening now in the West, in Europe, in Australia is a completely natural process. Because: what is the content of the process - so are the methods. And then they will be even tougher.

It is no coincidence that fascism was called the plague of the 20th century. The plague itself, the disease, was defeated, and fascism, since it destroys a person from the inside, through his consciousness, can only be killed from the inside.

Our individual attempts to stop this or that phenomenon - the WHO teachings in Kazan, another instruction, a digital school - will not lead to a result if we do not understand the most important thing: everything that happens testifies to one thing - now the very concept of man is changing, the understanding of that there is a man.

They are simply trying to convince us that we are experimental objects. This is the most important thing.

Now WHO is not just replacing science, it is not just switching to anti-scientific, some kind of medieval methods characteristic of the Inquisition, for this kind of obscurantist picture of the world - WHO is replacing absolutely everything.

WHO is now trying to change the concept of health care - that is, it is no longer as a treatment, but as a prevention with the help of a vaccine. WHO is changing the concept of vaccines, they are preparing to introduce a new term - that vaccination involves the introduction of genetic materials.

WHO is changing the definition of immunity. This has already happened.

The official WHO website talks about herd immunity, not herd immunity, I emphasize this. That is, the WHO perfectly shows us how it treats humanity, for whom it keeps people.

So this herd immunity - it will no longer be natural, as before, formed after the transfer of a particular disease, but it will already be artificial. It will be measured solely by the level of vaccination.

Now the documents are actually being replaced, the concepts are being replaced, because their very content is being replaced.

And all this testifies to very deep processes.

But if we already know about the Great Reboot of the Schwab , because it was announced and now the whole world is already talking about it, then to a lesser extent in the world they know about another document that they will publish widely, apparently, when humanity is already in such a state that will cease to perceive reality normally.

This document requires special attention. This is the concept, the system of values, this is the worldview that is being prepared for all of humanity.

This document was prepared by an institution called the Canada Policy Horizons under Labor Canada.

Do not be confused that this is Canada, we know from practice that all such documents come from some national government centers, after which they acquire a global scale.

But the main thing who wrote it was written by people who are directly related to the World Economic Forum (WEF): Madame Kristel Van der Elst, she was the head of the strategic forecasting department of the World Economic Forum; another author, Nicholas Davis, was a member of the executive committee of the World Economic Forum and head of the Department of Society and Innovation. That is, all these are people who are really connected with the very group that is preparing this bright future for us.

Исследование о биотехнологической конвергенции опубликовано Институтом Горизонты политики (Канада).

So, in short: what is the essence of bio-digital convergence.

The main provisions are as follows - we can distinguish three points.

FIRST is that, in their opinion, a complete physical integration of biological and digital objects should occur, I emphasize - physical integration, which is possible only, of course, when the line between biological and non-biological objects is blurred.

This means that digital technology can be embedded in organisms and entities and biological components can re-exist as part of digital technology.

That is, this physical interweaving, manipulation and fusion create new hybrid forms of entities, both life and technology.

That is, it is not just about the fact that implants are inserted into a person, it is not just about the fact that the robot becomes humanoid, but about the creation of a new hybrid form. And this is something monstrous, in the XX century we have not encountered anything like this.

SECOND - this is "co-evolution", where both can no longer do without each other, biological and digital technologies.

That is, we are talking about the fact that biological digital technologies should appear, which will develop as integrated or complementary systems. Complex living systems such as bacteria, fungi, plants, animals and humans are increasingly being explored and understood using machine learning, when indeed every microbe, sorry, will be digitized.

Most importantly, pay attention: in fact, no distinction is made between man, animal, plant, earth. In this regard, I return you, by the way, to the Declaration of Transhumanism, which was written back in 2002, where it was said that it is necessary to respect all intelligences, no matter where they come from - whether from a human, from a robot, from an artificial human. or from an animal. That is, it is real destruction of the human in man.

And, finally, the THIRD - the most important point that we must understand and comprehend: this is the conceptual convergence of biological and digital systems.

What do you mean conceptual? The concept is changing. They do not just experiment on people and introduce new technologies - the very concept is changing, in which the concept of morality and ethics actually disappears.

That is, ethics, morality are eroded and modified and no longer have any meaning, because this is a confusion, a shift in ideas and points of view, this is the implementation of the idea that people must change as a biological entity and must merge with this digital one.

The most important thing is that we are actually talking about blurring the line between biological and digital systems, living organisms and inanimate organisms.

We must understand this and comprehend what awaits us and what is the ultimate goal of all those processes that are taking place today, all those strategies, measures, policies that they apply. Until we have this understanding and awareness, we can only take some partial measures in response.

Yes, it's great that we speak out, write statements - and about the exercises in Kazan, by the way, we also wrote, they heard us and put our statements on a hundred. And they do not take any measures, and precisely because they understand perfectly well: people still agree with the system in which they are just rabbits for experiments.

But at the same time, people think that this will pass, that this is some kind of temporary emergency measure and everything will settle down. It will not settle down, because a deep restructuring is being carried out.

This is what we must realize now, this is what is most important for us now. We must change our consciousness, we must free ourselves from the thought that someone is trying to save us, that someone will protect us. Understand that today the moment is coming when the citizens themselves, if they do not defend themselves, they will not defend the country, they will not defend the state.

And we, who are sitting here today, appeal to representatives of our national security structures and urge to protect citizens and our national security".

You can listen to the speeches of all conference participants here.

#Health #Digital world #Personal data #People #World Health Organization #Технологии #Data #News #Russia #Technology #Scientist #Science #Digital concentration camp #Digitalization #Total control #New world order #World Economic Forum #Electronic collars #WHO