Posted 21 октября 2021,, 16:43

Published 21 октября 2021,, 16:43

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Egyptian customs detained British android robot on suspicion of espionage

21 октября 2021, 16:43
The robot spent 10 days in custody: the border guards feared that the British-made artificial intelligence was part of a spy conspiracy. Only the intervention of diplomats allowed the robot to be freed and sent to an exhibition, for the sake of participation in which he was brought to Egypt.

The famous Ai-Da robot, the first ultra-realistic humanoid to paint, oil and create sculptures, was brought to Egypt last week to exhibit in Cairo, according to the Daily Mail. However, Egyptian customs refused to release Ai-da, suspecting that she was an instrument of espionage. The border guards were confused by the cameras in the eyes and the modem through which the robot connects to the Internet.

Ai-da is the property of London gallerist Aidan Möller, who created it with the help of British robotics. The bionic hand and cameras in the eyes allow Ai-da to make highly realistic images, including drawing people from life. The robot's creations have already been exhibited at the Victoria and Albert Museum, Tate Modern, and the Design Museum. This time, Meller had intended to take Ai-da to an exhibition in Cairo, but instead provoked a small diplomatic incident. It was possible to free the robot only on the eve of the opening day, resorting to the intervention of the British ambassador. According to the gallery owner, the ambassador worked all night to release Ai-da from custody.

An insert entitled Forever is Now, which opened today, focuses on the influence of ancient Egyptian art on contemporary art. Ai-da will present a sculpture based on the riddle of the Sphinx: "Who walks on four legs in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three in the evening?" The owner of the robot, Aidan Meller, believes that their participation in the exhibition is not accidental: in the era of artificial intelligence and robotics, people are still trying to achieve eternal life, like the ancient Egyptians, who believed in an afterlife and were engaged in mummification for this.