According to Izvestia, the Russians also rushed to the Maldives from October 30 to November 7, during which days off were announced due to the worsening coronavirus situation.
- Over the past day after the announcement of non-working days in November, sales of tours to Egypt increased by 30%, and to the Maldives and Turkey - by half, - the publication leads the publication of the message of the tour operator Tez Tour. On the eve, tour operators noted an increase in demand for vouchers to the Black Sea coast - the vouchers booked also fell during the announced lockdown, RIA Novosti writes.
The head physician of the hospital in Kommunarka Denis Protsenko was outraged by the unwillingness of citizens to understand that the imposed lockdown is not the time to travel.
- Many began to plan a vacation ... Guys, are you serious? Don't you want to understand that these 11 days of respite in the capital is just an opportunity to disrupt several cycles of infections? - quotes the words of the physician RIA Novosti. Protsenko recalled that in the "red zone" in hospitals in all Russian regions "there is a war", and doctors "plow like two-core".
- Look at the number of free beds and a lot will fall into place ... Such "weekends" will be repeated over and over again until we develop collective immunity, until we turn on our heads and begin to respect others us people: wear masks in public places, do not come to work with ARVI symptoms, - said Protsenko.
On the eve, the speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko urged Russians not to use these days off as a vacation, otherwise, the politician believes, the pandemic cannot be stopped. Rospotrebnadzor also asked Russians to stay at home these days.