Posted 25 октября 2021,, 19:51

Published 25 октября 2021,, 19:51

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

The State Council of Tatarstan opposed the renaming of the president to the "head of the region"

25 октября 2021, 19:51
Deputies of the State Council of Tatarstan gave negative feedback on the draft federal law on the general principles of the organization of public power in the constituent entities of Russia, including, among other things, the change in the titles of the positions of the heads of the constituent entities.

As noted by RIA Novosti, the bill prescribes changing the titles of the posts of regional governors and presidents of the republics to "heads of regions". In a number of entities, a problem arose with the approval of the innovation. Thus, in Tatarstan, it was considered that certain provisions of the bill contradict the foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation, as a democratic federal law-based state.

“We believe that the presented version of the bill departs from the establishment of general principles of legal regulation of the activities of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation”, - the news agency quotes the words of the head of the Tatarstan State Council Committee on State Construction and Local Self-Government Albert Khabibullin.

Among the provisions of the draft law that provoked irritation in Tatarstan, there was also a proposal to unify top positions in the regions.

The republic has decided not to discuss this matter yet, but to return to the discussion of the issue after the consideration of the draft law in the first reading in the State Duma. If necessary, the deputies promised to prepare their amendments and proposals. The deputies unanimously supported this way out of the current situation, notes.

The draft law "On general principles of the organization of public power in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation" was introduced by Senator Andrei Klishas and the head of the Duma committee Pavel Krasheninnikov as a development of the provisions on a unified system of public power.

In addition to adjusting the names of the heads of the subjects, the bill, for example, cancels the ban for governors from being elected for more than two terms in a row.

The document also introduces restrictions for regional deputies, who from now on will be considered persons who fill "government positions of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation".

Thus, the deputies will be subject to benefits, requirements, restrictions and prohibitions for officials.

The ban on the election of governors for more than two consecutive terms was introduced in 2015, with terms starting in 2012. At the time of the adoption of the document, none of the governors acting at that time had been in charge of the region for more than two terms.

If the bill on the abolition of the number of terms for governors is adopted, the process of democratic turnover of power in the country may slow down.

Earlier, the Constitution of the Russian Federation introduced the institute life senatorial service. According to the amendment, former presidents of the Russian Federation will be able to enter the Federation Council for life - after the end of their term of office or after the early termination of office in case of resignation. At the same time, they retain the right to refuse the powers of a member of the Federation Council.