Posted 26 октября 2021,, 11:15

Published 26 октября 2021,, 11:15

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Natalia Oreiro wheedled a Russian passport out of Putin in the Ivan Urgant show

26 октября 2021, 11:15
Russian President Vladimir Putin has granted Russian citizenship to singer and actress Natalia Oreiro and her nine-year-old son Merlin.

The decree of the head of state appeared on the portal of official legal acts on October 25.

"Adopt the following persons into the citizenship of the Russian Federation: Oreiro Iglesias Natalia Marisa, who was born on May 19, 1977 in Uruguay, with her son Molio Oreiro, Merlin Atahualpa, who was born on January 26, 2012 in Argentina," TASS quotes the text of the document.

The actress submitted the documents for the acquisition of Russian citizenship in June 2020. She first spoke about her desire to become a Russian woman on the air of the program of the First Channel "Evening Urgant" in 2019. Then the majority of viewers took her statement as a joke.

In response to TV presenter Ivan Urgant's remark that Natalia Oreiro is “the most Russian among foreign women”, - the actress retorted that Russian President Vladimir Putin should have given her citizenship. From the screen, she turned to Putin with the words: "Give me a passport."

Oreiro, 44, has Spanish and Uruguayan citizenship, according to media reports. The actress admitted that she is not going to live in Russia, and the fact of submitting documents for Russian citizenship for her is a sign of gratitude to Russian fans.

As noted by RBC , she was offered to get a Russian passport at the Russian Embassy in Argentina, since she travels a lot and has "so many connections with Russia." “I said that it would be an honor for me. So I filled out a bunch of papers that I was asked to, and this is under consideration, "- said the actress after submitting the application.