Posted 27 октября 2021,, 12:44

Published 27 октября 2021,, 12:44

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Mark Zuckerberg and his wife accused of sexual harassment

27 октября 2021, 12:44
Two employees working in the maintenance of real estate owned by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan have filed a lawsuit with complaints of harassment and harassment at work.

Lawsuits against Zuckerbeng, Chan, and a number of security and business personnel serving the couple's property were filed with the San Francisco District Court.

According to Kommersant , these are the complaints of two applicants who accused Zuckerberg, his wife and a number of his colleagues of discrimination and sexual harassment.

Plaintiff Mia King and plaintiff Doe, whose real name was not disclosed, said that along with the managers of the service companies, the Zuckerberg couple were responsible for the harassment, which did not properly respond to what was happening.

According to African-American Mia King, who identifies herself as a member of the LGBT community, she worked for two years at Limitless Specialty Services LLC, which provided the Zuckerberg couple with security services.

While working for the Zuckerbergs, complainant King was repeatedly humiliated and insulted by managers, who forced her to work overtime without due pay, and one of the managers grabbed her by the intimate parts of her body.

The plaintiff Dow, who also considers himself to be a non-traditional sexual orientation, expressed similar claims. He has worked in the maintenance of numerous Zuckerberg buildings. According to Doe, he was forced to work more than 40 hours a week and more than 8 hours a day without providing fair financial compensation.

When one of the houses was urgently prepared for the arrival of the owners, they had to work for 17 hours.

Dow was outraged by the fact that when determining the scope of work, the authorities did not take into account his state of health. The epileptic Doe was forced to climb ladders or carry heavy objects. Meanwhile, such types of work are prohibited during his diagnosis. Doe said that at work he was abused for homosexuality and harassment by colleagues, one of whom hit him in the groin at an event.

According to the plaintiffs, they repeatedly complained about working conditions and unpaid overtime, but their appeals were left without due attention. The total volume of complaints of two workers dissatisfied with the Zuckerergs took 29 and 35 pages, respectively.

The applicants blamed the incident not only on the direct management of the companies, but also on the Zuckerbergs, who allegedly did not take sufficient measures to rectify the situation. For the moral suffering caused to them, the plaintiffs demand payment of monetary compensation.

Meanwhile, the spokesman for the Zuckerberg couple, Ben Labolt, denied the allegations, saying that internal checks carried out on the complaints of the applicants found the applications unfounded.