Posted 28 октября 2021,, 09:32

Published 28 октября 2021,, 09:32

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Sputnik Light vaccine has run out in Yekaterinburg, but the morgues are over quota

28 октября 2021, 09:32
Almost all medical institutions in Yekaterinburg, which is experiencing a coronavirus storm, have run out of the Sputnik Light coronavirus vaccine. There is no data on the timing of new deliveries.

According to the portal E1, complaints about the lack of the drug are received from almost all hospitals and clinics in the city.

The day before, the media reported that in those places where the vaccine was still available, desperate patients staged a crush in the hope of receiving the coveted injection.

“Neither doctors nor even the Ministry of Health knows when the vaccine will come. And this is a problem, of course, people are asking us, but we have nothing to answer”, - the head of the polyclinic from Yekaterinburg quotes the publication.

According to RBC, the Sputnik Light vaccine has ended in Perm as well. Complaints about this come from many patients who cannot be vaccinated: they are refused due to a lack of the drug. The regional health ministry said that federal deliveries of this vaccine are not expected until the end of the month.

At the same time, while the level of vaccination of the population against covid remains low, it has not yet been possible to achieve persistent herd immunity. In such conditions, the incidence is growing, and with it a record mortality is recorded.

According to, in the morgues of the City Clinical Hospital No. 14 of Yekaterinburg and the local forensic bureau, there is no more room left for storing the bodies of the dead. “Now all the morgues are jam-packed and cannot cope with the load. The morgue at the City Clinical Hospital No. 14 in Yekaterinburg had to curtail the work of the funeral hall, since this room is now used for storing bodies, air conditioners are installed there, "the message says.

In the Sverdlovsk regional pathoanatomical bureau, the collapse has reached even greater proportions: one of the women who died on October 22 has not yet been autopsied.

Amid the catastrophic deaths that have been seen in the region over the past two weeks, funeral agencies have begun to run out of coffins.

According to the headquarters for the fight against coronavirus, over the past day, a new record for the number of infections was recorded in the country: 40,096 people fell ill with covid, of which most were in Moscow (8,440 cases).

1,159 deaths were recorded in the country per day. This is an absolute record for the entire period of the spread of the virus. The previous maximum was set the day before, October 27. Then 1123 people died. In total, 235,057 people died from covid in Russia during the pandemic.

According to media reports, another 647 people with coronavirus have been identified in the Sverdlovsk region over the past day. 186 sick people live in Yekaterinburg. According to doctors, 922 infected are in serious condition.