Posted 29 октября 2021, 12:49

Published 29 октября 2021, 12:49

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

In Kemerovo, sentences were passed in the case of a fire in the Zimnyaya Vishnya shopping center

In Kemerovo, sentences were passed in the case of a fire in the Zimnyaya Vishnya shopping center

29 октября 2021, 12:49
The Zavodskoy District Court in the city of Kemerovo on October 29 announced the sentences to the defendants in the case of the fire in the Zimnyaya Vishnya shopping center on March 25, 2018.

According to RIA Novosti, the court sentenced Yulia Bogdanova (pictured), General Director of Kemerovo Confectionery Plant (the company that owns the Zimnyaya Vishnya shopping center), to 14 years in prison. The general director of the Zimnyaya Vishnya shopping center, Nadezhda Suddenok, was sentenced to 13.5 years.

The head of extinguishing the fire in the shopping center Andrei Bursin, who “did not organize properly the reconnaissance of the fire,” was sentenced to six years.

The head of the fire guard of the second fire and rescue unit of Kemerovo Sergei Genin, accused in the first case of the fire in "Winter cherry", to five years in prison. It was Genin, as indicated by the court, who directed the subordinates along the long path to the cinema, not checking the plans-schemes and ignoring the owl of an eyewitness who pointed to a short path. At the meeting, Genin said that he did not consider himself guilty, since his subordinates “did everything they could”.

Georgy Sobolev, technical director of the company that owns the shopping center of the Kemerovo Confectionery Plant, was sentenced to 11 years in prison.

As a reminder, 60 people died as a result of the fire in Zimnyaya Vishnya, most of whom were children.

Several criminal cases were initiated, in which 15 people were arrested.

In September, we will remind, all the defendants in the case of the fire in "Winter cherry" were found guilty. So, it was found that the heads of the burnt-out shopping center Yulia Bogdanova, Nadezhda Suddenok and Georgy Sobolev provided unsafe services and violated fire safety requirements.

Note that the co-owner of Winter Cherry Vyacheslav Vishnevsky was extradited to Russia from Poland in March 2020 on the eve of the two-year anniversary of the tragedy. Vishnevsky is accused of giving a bribe of seven million rubles to Tanzile Komkova, the head of the State Supervision Inspectorate of the Kemerovo Region.
