Posted 29 октября 2021,, 13:27

Published 29 октября 2021,, 13:27

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

No time to worry about the bonds... This is how the cathedral looks like, in which the great-grandfather of the Minister of Culture Lyubimova served

29 октября 2021, 13:27
The 500-year-old monument of Russian architecture in Peremyshl is turning into ruins, despite all the attempts of activists to save it.

Civic activist Yevgeny Sosedov is indignant in his blog about the sheer indifference of officials of a great spiritual country, which boasts of its "clamps" to the cultural heritage. It is worth noting in this regard that there are not so many such objects in Russia, incomparably fewer than in Europe. So very soon there will be nothing to boast about...

“I'm just boiling over! How can a 500-year-old monument look like near the capital in a self-respecting country?!

Here it will look like this: not just reduced to ruins, but turned into a garbage dump, covered with weeds and surrounded by redneck fences along the perimeter (behind which there will be neat beds and lawns). Of course, there will not be a single protection document for a federal monument of national importance.

About the princely cathedral of the XVI century in Peremyshl it was already spoken and negotiated everywhere: I personally sent presentations with him to Minister of Culture Olga Lyubimova (they say her great-grandfather served as a priest there) and her dad Boris Lyubimov, First Deputy Minister Sergey Obryvalin, heads of all relevant departments of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. Reactions are zero. It was not possible to discuss with them even the very possibility of any action to preserve it.

In general, we got tired of this, and we decided to take the initiative into our own hands. In the summer, we began serious archival and design research, raised all Soviet conservation and restoration projects, the architect Alexander Zheltikov sat down for their detailed analysis and drawing up of drawings.

For further research, it was necessary to clear the interior from weeds. Last Saturday our coordinator Pavel Stenchev and Alexander Borisovich successfully coped with this.

The administration of the Peremyshl region helped to remove vehicles from the territory of the monument: a local resident did not find anything better than to park the out of order trucks right on the site of the altar and near the wall of the 16th century cathedral. Apparently because of this, our employees were greeted on the spot very unfriendly, and even with threats to their lives.

We will continue to work on bringing the territory of the monument into proper form, we have already sent the necessary inquiries to the authorities.

We will also continue the design work and will strive to preserve this unique object.

Read more about the history, architecture and current state of the Dormition Cathedral in Peremyshl in the publications on the Project "Conservation" page. Saving the architectural heritage of Russia.