PIC OF THE DAY: in Kemerovo, a road problem was solved unconventionally

PIC OF THE DAY: in Kemerovo, a road problem was solved unconventionally

29 октября 2021, 19:06
Novosibirsk road builders found an original way to get around the obstacle.

Kemerovo activist Andrei German could not resist the temptation and posted on his blog a photo that eloquently testifies to the disregard of the citizens of the "great country" to each other.

"Sometimes it seems that this cannot be, that some enemies specially draw pictures in Photoshop, but no picture is reality, and we are in this shop..."

Herman's readers have confirmed that everything is so, and everywhere. And they brought their evidence.

#Road #Photo #Regions #Общество #Photo of the day #News #Novosibirsk #Russia #Novosibirsk region #Problem #Kemerovo