Posted 1 ноября 2021,, 13:27

Published 1 ноября 2021,, 13:27

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Hotel in Hurghada has poisoned dozens of Russian tourists with foul food

1 ноября 2021, 13:27
The number of Russian tourists injured at the AMC Royal Hotel in the resort town of Hurghada (Egypt) has reached forty. The Egyptian prosecutor's office ordered the hotel to be closed indefinitely due to violations of sanitary safety standards. All tourists staying at the hotel were urgently resettled to other hotels.

This is reported by TASS with reference to the Federation of Tourism Chambers of Egypt.

According to TASS, 40 people consulted doctors. Four have already been discharged, 36 more are undergoing treatment. The condition of the victims is consistently satisfactory, nothing threatens their lives. They might be able to leave the hospital as early as Monday.

Russian Consul General in Hurghada Viktor Voropaev said on Sunday that local sanitary services decided to close the AMC Royal Hotel, whose guests were hospitalized with poisoning, for 48 hours. The Russian Consulate General is monitoring the situation and will find out if only Russian tourists were injured in the hotel.

Later it turned out that the hotel was closed by order of the prosecutor's office for an indefinite period, an investigation of the incident was started. For violation of sanitary requirements, the hotel faces not only heavy fines, but also closure with revocation of the license.

Air traffic between the Russian Federation and Egyptian resorts was resumed on August 9. It was closed for 6 years after a plane crash on October 31, 2015 over Sinai killed 224 people. Tour operators report that in November, in the resort cities of Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh, almost all places in hotels are booked, although our tourists complain about poor service and insufficient quality of service.

As Novye Izvestia wrote, one of the reasons for the poor nutrition in the resorts of Egypt was the sharp rise in world prices for food and agricultural raw materials. In these conditions, hotels and restaurants are forced to save on quality food and often use the "delay" and processing of the half-eaten the day before in new dishes, which are presented under the guise of "fresh".