Posted 1 ноября 2021,, 09:58

Published 1 ноября 2021,, 09:58

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

The reduction in the real size of pensions was a record for five years

The reduction in the real size of pensions was a record for five years

1 ноября 2021, 09:58
The real size of pensions of Russians fell by 1.8% in annual terms in September. Amid rising inflation, the September decline has killed a five-year record.

In January 2021, the real size (adjusted for inflation) of pensions of Russian citizens increased by 0.4% compared to the same month of 2020. But in the following months, the indicator declined in annual terms. For example, in February it decreased by 0.1% compared to last February, in March - by 0.2%, in April - by 0.1%, in May - by 0.5%, in June - by 1%, July - by 0.9%, in August - by 1%, in September - by 1.8%.

The data does not take into account the pension of 10 thousand rubles, issued to pensioners in September on behalf of the president, RBC quotes Rosstat.

It should be noted that last year the real size of pensions grew, but the dynamics of the decline in growth rates was pronounced. If in January 20200 the real pension increased by 3.2% compared to 2019, but by December the figure was already 0.8%.

As a reminder, next year pensions should be indexed by 5%. At the same time, the size of the indexation will be higher than the expected increase by 4.3% a year earlier due to the higher actual indicators of the pensioner's subsistence minimum.