They lie and do not blush: how officials in the regions draw "convenient" mortality figures

They lie and do not blush: how officials in the regions draw "convenient" mortality figures

3 ноября 2021, 14:51
Analysts are convinced that if all countries in the world published honest data on mortality, the pandemic could be overcome much faster.

Sociologist Aleksey Zakharov has written many times in his publications that the data on mortality from coronavirus provided by regional and federal operational headquarters is significantly - several times - lower than the real mortality rate. This lie, among other things, led the country to a catastrophe, which the whole world is watching with amazement today. What about data falsification in other countries?

Zakharov analyzed the data and answered this question:

“The situation in Russia with statistics is significantly worse than in most countries with an average (and, all the more, high) income. The graph shows how many times the number of deaths from covid according to official data for January-September 2021 is lower than excess mortality for the same period in different countries. Ideally, if all excess mortality is caused by covid (and this is close to the truth), then this figure should be equal to one. It may even be slightly less than one - when the official statistics "with a margin" classifies deaths as covid. If the value is two for a long time, then the official data underestimates the scale of the epidemic by half. The higher the value on the chart, the less confidence there should be in the published data.

For Russia, two figures are given. The first (and higher) corresponds to the data published by the headquarters. Let me remind you that these are the same reports that are published daily in news feeds, and that we hear every day: "Over the past day, 1178 deaths have been confirmed." Not 1178, but at least 2.5 times more. The second is data collected by registry offices and published monthly by Rosstat. We hear these second figures much less often, although they are much closer to the truth.

The figures are underestimated to varying degrees in different regions. The absolute champion is Tatarstan, where, according to the federal headquarters, in January-September of this year, only 562 people died from covid, and the excess mortality over the same period amounted to 9451 people - 16.8 times more (according to Rosstat, with a diagnosis of covid died there 5920 people). The situation is also very bad in the Kirov region (12.8 times), Tomsk region (7.1 times), Kemerovo region (6.3 times). On the other hand, there are regions with adequate statistics - Khakassia (the number of deaths according to the headquarters is approximately equal to excess mortality), Sevastopol (1.06 times), St. Petersburg (1.25 times).

It would not have been difficult for the federal center to put the situation in order, there would have been a desire. After all, there is data that Rosstat publishes. After all, in Ukraine - a country that is poorer and with worse medicine than ours - the published data better reflect reality (the discrepancy there is 1.2 times). But, apparently, there is no desire to do something - the situation has not changed qualitatively over the past year. Moreover, statistics are sometimes falsified not only at the regional, but also at the federal level: this is the only way to interpret protracted periods when the daily number of deaths is near the round mark (400, 800) but does not cross it.

Who knows how many more people would be vaccinated today if the public were told the truth about the number of deaths, how many more people would take precautions, and how many fewer people would die. I do not exclude that the cost of lies is calculated in hundreds of thousands of lives..."

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