Posted 4 ноября 2021,, 13:36

Published 4 ноября 2021,, 13:36

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

We have a holiday, but there is no unity: The network discussed the "red-letter day" of the calendar

4 ноября 2021, 13:36
According to many bloggers, to this day it remains unclear what Russia celebrates on November 4

As you know, National Unity Day was established to replace another November holiday, the main one in Soviet times - Revolution Day. However, this day has not yet become a real holiday for one banal reason: there is no unity in Russian society even close. On the contrary, every year it is more and more clearly divided by property. Many bloggers on social networks write about this today.

Journalist Kirill Shulika wonders who and how to congratulate on this holiday:

To be honest, I don't even know how to congratulate on National Unity Day and what to wish for. That's real. It is clear that this is a banal replacement on November 7, because a day off in November for a Soviet person is a bummer. But the new world is such that now there are many non-working days and the meaning of the holiday is even more washed out.

Public figure Vera Afanasyeva lists those who make up this unity:

“One man on the train to Saransk said the best about national unity when discussing the prospects of his native land:

- Nothing, we survived the Germans, and we will survive the Nazis"

Today everyone:

beggars and fabulous rich;

deputies and those who did not elect them;

national guards and political prisoners;

FSIN and those they torture;

informers and those on whom they inform;

aggressive believers and intimidated atheists;

people suggesting imprisoning anti-vaxxers, bloggers, stand-ups, feminists, liberals (and even scooters) and anti-axers themselves, bloggers, stand-ups, feminists, liberals (and even scooters) - according to the plan of those who planted all this monstrous discord in the country, they should celebrate the Day of National Unity.

And there is nothing to celebrate and no one wants to.

Unity? What kind of unity?"

Abbas Gallyamov is surprised at the new form of manifestation of the so-called "unity":

“On the eve of the Day of National Unity, the authorities are doing everything possible to ensure it. For example, the government has just classified the purchases of the Russian Guard and the FSO. A little earlier, the same was done with the expenses of the Ministry of Defense, the FSB and the SVR (External Intelligence Service).

After all, it is clear that it is the extra information about government spending that prevents society from merging in the ecstasy of unity with the authorities. It is not for nothing that one of the domestic spiritual bonds says that by increasing knowledge, you increase sorrow..."

Political analyst Dmitry Mikhailichenko is also sure that there is no trace of unity, because in fact the authorities do not need it:

“National unity, in the conditions of an exorbitant gap in the level of income between the rich and the poor, can only be dialectical, it is not clear to the deep people. But the atomized reality and the thesis “every man for himself” is quite understandable and is a normalizing mainstream for both the ruling class and the deep people.

A constant (and not situational) demand for cooperation, cooperation, self-realization and active citizenship can be demonstrated only by educated people with incomes not lower than average. The imposition of the post-Crimean crisis on the covid crisis hit them hard: the base of people ready to demonstrate an active civic stance is shrinking.

For those who are experiencing everyday difficulties and a shortage of money, an active civic position is possible only situationally, in the event of a protest reaction to some very resonant injustice of the authorities (pension reform, mandatory vaccination or regional cases like Kushtau or Shies). But they are not ready to play a long game, burdened with everyday problems and the need to fight for survival.

In modern Russian society, there is no purely class hatred phenomenon, but there is class resentment (resentment, bitterness, envy). The deep people are offended by the state. And very much offended.

The philosopher Michel Foucault has perfectly shown that population growth in different societies depends on the interests of the ruling class. For example, in medieval Europe, the main value was land and there was no need for many people, so "sheep were barely people", that is, the English lords drove the peasants from their plots and pastures were created in this place.

But during the industrial revolution, everything changed. Production capacity began to require more manpower. Factories, factories, million-plus cities, hygiene and public health care appeared.

Sociologists have recorded: 61% believe that covid is a form of biological weapon. What is it? This is the reaction of the inhabitants of the country to the realization of their uselessness of power.

We can talk about moderate conservatism, saving the people, etc., but the realities are such that the ruling class does not need a populated Russia. They need a cheap and unskilled labor force in the form of migrants (export of serfs, who are foreign agents for society), they need shift workers who serve the oil and gas pipe. And this harsh reality is poorly packed into ideologemes about "Unity"..."