Posted 8 ноября 2021,, 07:52

Published 8 ноября 2021,, 07:52

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Residents of Primorye complained about the massive "zeroing" of their covid certificates

8 ноября 2021, 07:52
In the Far East, disruptions began in the work of the portal of public services: in the personal accounts of citizens there were messages about the early "zeroing" of their covid certificates, which were supposed to be valid for a year.

Residents of the Amur Region, Kamchatka and Primorye began to send massive complaints to officials about the sudden termination of the coronavirus vaccination certificates.

According to Interfax, the fact of numerous complaints about problems with vaccination certificates was confirmed by the Ministry of Health of Primorye and similar departments in other regions.

“The reason for the alarm was the changes in the personal accounts on the portal “Gosuslugi”. The Ministry of Health of Primorye informs that no innovations have been introduced by the Ministry of Health of the Territory”, - the message says, citing a statement from a representative of the department.

It's worth reminding that the mass vaccination of residents of Russia against coronavirus began on January 18 and continues to this day. In accordance with the recommendations of the doctors, the certificate of vaccination with the Sputnik Light vaccine is valid for six months, the expiration date of the certificate for vaccination with other Russian drugs is one year. The first drug that became available to the general population of the country was Sputnik V.

Even if we assume that all residents of Primorye were vaccinated on the first day of vaccination, their certificates had to remain valid at least until January 17, 2022. However, in practice it turned out that many citizens' documents changed their status to "expired".

The regional authorities clarified that it is impossible to make changes to the expiration dates of covid certificates on the spot: the process can only be initiated by the administration of public services. In connection with the appearance of massive complaints, regional officials sent inquiries to the administration of the public services service.

Earlier on November 8, it became known that the country had begun introducing a new type of covid certificates. At the same time, patients noticed that the validity period of their QR-codes was reduced.

The authorities of Kamchatka explained that with the introduction of new covid passports, the methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Health regarding the frequency of vaccinations have changed. If earlier the expiration date of the certificate was a year, now it has been reduced to six months. It is precisely with this that they associate the fact that since November 8, the QR-codes of citizens who were vaccinated more than 6 months ago suddenly ceased to work.

To obtain a new valid code, officials are urging residents to undergo booster vaccinations.

Meanwhile, in many regions of the country, despite the cancellation of the federal lockdown from November 8, the QR-code system continues to operate. So, for example, on the territory of the Kostroma region until December 1, it is prohibited to enter non-food shops, cafes, restaurants, shopping centers, sup salons, fitness clubs, museums, theaters and other public places without QR-codes.

In this regard, a kind of "business on codes" has formed in the region: for 10% of the purchase price, vaccinated citizens with QR-codes offer unvaccinated services for visiting stores and taking out purchases on the street.

In a number of regions, restrictions have taken on a huge scale: without codes, it is also impossible to buy tickets for public transport and obtain consent for the planned provision of medical services.