Posted 10 ноября 2021,, 08:48

Published 10 ноября 2021,, 08:48

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Assange is not allowed to marry in prison, but in America he faces the death penalty

10 ноября 2021, 08:48
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and his fiancée Stella Maurice, in London's Belmarsh prison, are pleading with authorities to allow the wedding. However, they get off with silence. The young couple decided to sue the UK Attorney General and the warden.

The day before, a London court refused the Americans to extradite Assange. In the United States, for "espionage and betrayal" a journalist will face the death penalty. Russia and Mexico were ready to grant asylum to the disgraced journalist, but Assange refused.

According to The Guardian, Assange accuses Justice Minister Dominic Raab of human rights violations, including the violation of the rights of his two children. Although lawyers linked the lack of response from the British authorities to the hostility towards WikiLeaks from the United States, which still hopes to get Julian.

Last week, Assange sent a formal request to the prison administration office asking for consent to the wedding. A few days later, the couple's lawyers asked the prison to allow Maurice and the Greenwich registry office to visit the prison together so that the couple could exchange rings.

But the prison authorities continue to play their game. Initially, Assange was told that the request for the wedding should be considered by the Crown Prosecutor's Office. But it immediately became clear that the warden of the prison, Jenny Louis, was not at all obliged to do this, since no charges were brought against Assange in the UK.

48-year-old Julian Assange, the founder of the controversial Internet project WikiLeaks, in just a few days became a world superstar, whose fame is comparable to the largest politicians, actors or rock musicians. In fact, he is an ordinary hacker and also a recognized fighter for freedom of information.

According to polls, almost a third of Americans today consider Assange an enemy of the United States. By the way, several influential Republican politicians called for the physical destruction of Julian as a terrorist, without a trial.

What exactly is WikiLeaks famous for? Assange and his staff exposed and disseminated around the world information about the illegal actions of the United States during military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. The journalist published data on the killing of civilians during the hostilities, as well as on the conditions of detention in the American prison of Guantanamo in Cuba.